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Soldiers and tank

February 6, 2024, 3:30-6:15 pm

The Miller Center commemorates the 2nd anniversary of the Russian war in Ukraine in a special two-panel program with UVA experts in foreign policy, defense, and diplomacy.

Two years into the Ukraine War: Where are we headed and what have we learned?

Session One: Global Inflection Point? Experts reflect on how the war has changed international politics. What was foreseen, and what was not? What might the future hold?

Session Two: Leadership Matters The leadership of three presidents—Joe Biden in the United States, Vladimir Putin in Russia, and Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine—has defined the trajectory of the war. What conclusions can we draw about presidential leadership and decision-making in the 21st century? How might a change of leadership in any of the three countries change the trajectory once again?

Public Service Week UVA logo

"You can't pour from an empty cup." This is true for us all. For individuals working in healthcare, education, law enforcement, and many other fields, it can feel like the cup is broken. Brian N. Williams, Associate Professor of Public Policy in the Batten School, and PEGLLLLab Research Assistants Chloe Alpert, Zach Harris, and Scott Rykala will co-moderate a panel and discussion with professionals from these fields.

Join Batten School assistant professor and Delegate Sally Hudson (D) and former Republican Congressman Denver Riggleman as they sit down for a live One Small Step conversation.

The Batten School and UVA Alumni Association look forward to welcoming undergraduate classes ending in -2 and -7 back to Grounds for Reunions 2022!

Global Health

Join Kirsten Gelsdorf and the Center for Global Health Equity Journal Club for a moderated discussion on positive trends in global health in humanitarian contexts. Check out the article, Gelsdorf Talks Humanitarian Aid Misconceptions on NPR’s ‘With Good Reason,’ as material for the topic of discussion for the event!

Baroness Stroud and Lucy Bassett

You are invited to join the Darden School for a virtual Leadership Unscripted Speaker Series session on Thursday, 9 December, at 12:00 p.m. EST featuring Baroness Stroud in a conversation with Batten's own Professor Bassett as they discuss Grassroots Organizing to Policy Changes: Confronting Complex Social Challenges. 



Three political experts discuss the state of America’s political parties during these extraordinary and unsettling times. The panelists will consider polarization, challenges that current partisanship pose to American democracy, and the deep historical roots of contemporary political developments.


A panel of experts on law, international affairs, and political science analyze constitutional crises in the United States, comparing them to the experiences of other countries. Panelists will tackle such important questions as: What is a constitutional crisis? Has the United States experienced one recently? What are the triggers or warning signs of a constitutional crisis? And how can we prevent them in the future?


All alumni, parents, and friends are invited to join us for a discussion on pathways to decarbonizing Virginia and the global economy. The panel of experts, all with strong ties to UVA and its mission of informed public service, will discuss the surge in enthusiasm for rapid decarbonization on Grounds, in the private sector, and among NGOs. The conversation will focus on the central importance of innovation, entrepreneurship, and a commitment to public service, all hallmarks of Hoos everywhere.


Please join the UVA Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Wednesday, April 21, 5:00-6:00pm for a session of the Racial Equity Speaker Series, featuring Dean Nicole Jenkins and Dean Ian Solomon in conversation with Ibram X. Kendi.