2022 Graduation Events Congratulations to Batten’s Class of 2022! UVA’s Finals Weekend will take place Friday, May 20–Sunday, May 22. For a complete schedule, please see the UVA Schedule of Events. Schedule Friday, May 20: UVA Valedictory Exercises 3:00 PM / John Paul Jones Arena This university-wide ceremony includes the presentation of the class gift and university and class awards as well as a speech from this year's keynote speaker, hall of fame basketball player Ralph Sampson. The ceremony is open to the public and will also be livestreamed. Saturday, May 21: Batten School Academic Regalia Ceremony 5:30 PM / James Monroe's Highland Batten's 2022 graduates and their guests will gather at James Monroe's Highland for the school's signature Academic Regalia Ceremony and reception. Graduating students will be given their stoles and hoods and will hear from 2022 commencement speaker General Paul M. Nakasone, director of the National Security Agency. Dinner, drinks, live music and photos will follow the formal ceremony. This is a ticketed event. Sunday, May 22: Class of 2022 Academic Procession and Final Exercises 10:00 AM / The Lawn Final Exercises begins with an academic procession of the graduates and faculty down the Lawn. The ceremony includes the conferral of degrees, greetings by university officials and remarks by Final Exercises speaker, Dr. Taison Bell. This is a ticketed event and will also be livestreamed. Indoor viewing of the ceremony livestream will be available in spaces across Grounds. UVA Batten School 2022 Academic Regalia Ceremony For the most up-to-date information on Finals Weekend, please visit the UVA Major Events page UVA Finals Weekend 2022 View All