Housing, Dining & Transportation

Housing and Residence Life

On-Grounds Options
Discover the housing options available at UVa through Housing and Residence Life! Learn where housing units are located, what amenities are offered (e.g. hall-style vs. apartment), and what each option costs. Remember all first-year students are required to live in on-Grounds housing.

Deposit Waiver for Returning Students
Returning students who will use their financial aid to cover the cost of on-Grounds housing can seek to have their deposit fee waived for the upcoming school year if they plan to live on Grounds. Go to the Student Financial Services Office on the first floor of Carruthers Hall to request completion of the Housing Deposit Waiver Form. Once completed by Student Financial Services, take the form to the Housing and Residence Life  Office located in the ground floor of Page House.

Off-Grounds Services
Many students decide to live off-Grounds after their first year, or at other points during their time at UVa. Off-Grounds Housing Services, which is housed within Housing and Residence Life, is a great resource to assist you as you search for safe and economical housing. The Assistant Director of Off-Grounds Housing Services can serve as an advocate for students  when working with local landlords as well as help with any of the  following: housing options, important factors in a lease, safety concerns, roommate issues, and tenant/landlord conflicts. This website also links to an off-Grounds housing database where you can search or list your own off-Grounds property.

Financial Aid and Off-Grounds Housing
It is important to understand how your financial aid will work if you decide to live off-Grounds.  Include in your search process a visit to Student Financial Services in Carruthers Hall to speak with a financial aid counselor about your plans.


Dining Services
University of Virginia Dining is where you can sign-up for meal plans, compare meal plans, order catering for student organizations and events, and find out information about dining options on Grounds. You can also learn about Plus Dollars and how the Meal Exchange Program works. 

Food Insecurity
There are various food pantries and emergency relief food supplies located in Charlottesville and Albemarle County.  These services are not for students who need supplemental snacking food, but those who need this for core, nutritional food support.


Upperclass students may have a car on Grounds. The Parking and Transportation website provides options available for student parking, as well as associated prices.

Public Transportation
As a student you can access most modes of public transportation for free to travel around Charlottesville. This website provides information regarding all public transportation options available for students. Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT) is free for University students – present your student ID when boarding a bus and you will ride for free!

University Transit Service
University Transit Service (UTS) provides transportation to take you where you need to go around Grounds. Check out their website for bus route maps and schedules. Also become familiar with HoosWhere – the GPS bus arrival system available at certain bus locations, online (viewable through a mobile device), and over the phone.

Yellow Cab Service
The Yellow Cab Program provides taxi service to UVa students who find themselves in uncomfortable situations with no reliable or safe means of transportation and no money for cab fare. Students can call Yellow Cab (434) 295-4131, charge the ride to UVa, and pay via the Student Information System—no questions asked. Billing Question? Call (434) 924-8806

Zimride is a website designed to make ride-sharing easy for members of the UVA community.  Log in with your UVa NetBadge to offer or request rides for commutes, road trips, popular events, and holiday breaks.

The University of Virginia and Zipcar, the world’s largest car-sharing service, launched the Zipcar program at UVa on November 17, 2009. This partnership provides a variety of vehicles that are available for use 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The cars are located in three locations on Grounds and are available to all faculty, staff, and students aged 18 and over. Gas, insurance, 180 free miles and roadside assistance are included in low hourly and daily rates.