Virtual Meditation on the Lawn with Dean Solomon

Starting October 19, CSC and our partners will host virtual drop-in meditations every Monday beginning at 7:50am ET. These five-minute sessions will be open to the UVA community and anyone else who is interested in pausing, particularly at this very stressful and often lonely time, to cultivate mindfulness, compassion, resilience, and a sense of belonging with others so inclined. 

Each week a different instructor, practitioner, or UVA community leader will guide the meditation or moment of reflection. Dean Ian H. Solomon of UVA’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy will lead our first session! A schedule of facilitators through November 9 is provided below. Stay tuned for further updates

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to take its toll on the well-being of all members of our community, it is even more crucial that we continue to find regular moments of peace, reflection, and contemplative connection with each other. 

This series is a continuation of the student-inspired Virtual Meditation on the Lawn held this spring, an event that in turn was inspired by the 2013 in-person meditation on the lawn featuring Deepak Chopra and Arianna Huffington. CSC plans to explore additional extensions of this virtual meditation program over time, including making it daily (Monday through Friday), offering some longer meditation sessions, and offering sessions focused on specific topics and private groups. 

Please contact us if you have any questions about this or any of our events or if you would like CSC’s assistance in organizing private guided meditations for a specific community or organization. 

Event partners include Compassionate Care InitiativeCounseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), FEAPHoos WellStudent Affairs, and UVA Clubs

Garrett Hall at Sunset

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