Batten Hour: The Work of Federal Leaders

Batten students and staff joined the director of the Federal Executive Institute, Michael Shonrock, on Monday for the first Batten Hour to kick-off the Spring semester. Shonrock explored the threads of leadership that he seeks to develop at the helm of a training center for senior-level federal employees.

“I want to talk leadership – not just federal leadership, but leadership, et al,” Shonrock said. “And part of being a leader is learning to share stories.”

Indeed, Shonrock shared anecdotes spanning his time as an administrator in higher education to his current role driving values-based leadership development opportunities emphasizing personal and professional growth at the institute. 

Established in 1968 under the U.S. Office of Personnel Management of Established, the Federal Executive is located in Charlottesville, where it hosts senior executives from across the federal government for immersive programs on leadership. UVA Batten Associate Professor Andrew Pennock has been part of the institute’s core programming.

Shonrock said that a chief trait of values-based leaders is to “just be nice to people. It’s about transition, about being flexible, about thinking about things a little differently.” He outlined three main takeaways for students: have vision, communicate so clearly you can’t be misunderstood, and execute to get things done.

“It’s all about the importance of keeping your focus,” Shonrock said. “To keep a straight line on the tractor you have to look at the horizon. Stay out of the weeds.  What’s really important? Keep thinking about where you want to be, where you want to go.” 


Garrett Hall at Sunset

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