Mar 19, 2021 Philip B.K. Potter, Chen Wang, and Claire Oto China's Addiction to Short-Term Thinking In an article for Political Violence @ a Glance, Batten's Phil Potter, director of the National Security Policy Center, and co-authors Chen Wang and Claire Oto discuss China's transparency problem, as well as the risks and rewards of transparency. President of China Xi Jinping. (Wikimedia Commons) The ability to control information has long been one of the most powerful tools at an autocrat’s disposal, but today’s institutionalized autocracies struggle to wield it in modern media environments. Thanks to Internet access and social media, salient events can quickly become common knowledge, pressuring authorities to acknowledge what happened—even when they would rather not. Recent protests in Russia are a prime example, with social media and independent news galvanizing more than 100,000 people to take to the streets. Something similar occurred last year in China, when slow acknowledgment of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan temporarily undermined authorities’ legitimacy, especially after Chinese citizens took to social media to share independent information. Transparency about high-profile events can legitimize an autocrat in citizens’ eyes and on the global stage—but potentially at the expense of domestic control. So how do autocratic leaders strike a balance? China’s efforts to control information about political violence in Xinjiang demonstrate this balancing act in action. China is often credited with having a long-term strategic perspective, but their handling of information on political violence reveals an addiction to the short-term prioritization of social control. Read the full article in Political Violence @ A Glance Philip Potter Philip Potter is a professor of politics and Founding Director of the National Security Policy Center at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia. He is also a University Expert with the National Ground Intelligence Center, US Army INSCOM. He has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Politics and the Journal of Global Security Studies and is an Associate Principal Investigator for Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS). Read full bio Related Content Philip Potter Potter to Lead New National Security Data and Policy Institute Research Phil Potter, UVA Batten professor of politics and public policy, will lead the new National Security Data and Policy Institute, a partnership between the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the University of Virginia to help address the country’s most pressing national security issues. Honor Among Thieves: Understanding Rhetorical and Material Cooperation Among Violent Nonstate Actors Research We find that when groups share an ideology, and especially a religion, they are more likely to sustain material cooperation in the face of state repression. Phil Potter: A Humble Heavy Hitter in National Security News Phil Potter's leadership, knowledge of the intelligence world and commitment to public service, including as founder of UVA Batten’s National Security Policy Center, has culminated in his appointment as the inaugural director of the newly launched National Security Data and Policy Institute, a project of UVA and the Department of Defense. Balancing Act: Domestic Intelligence at a Time of Growing Threats News Finding balance was an overarching theme of Monday's Batten Hour speaker, Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the Department of Homeland Security Kenneth Wainstein, who discussed election security and the role of his organization in bridging information gaps among all levels of U.S. government. Stay Up To Date with the Latest Batten News and Events Subscribe
Philip Potter Philip Potter is a professor of politics and Founding Director of the National Security Policy Center at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia. He is also a University Expert with the National Ground Intelligence Center, US Army INSCOM. He has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Politics and the Journal of Global Security Studies and is an Associate Principal Investigator for Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS). Read full bio
Potter to Lead New National Security Data and Policy Institute Research Phil Potter, UVA Batten professor of politics and public policy, will lead the new National Security Data and Policy Institute, a partnership between the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the University of Virginia to help address the country’s most pressing national security issues.
Honor Among Thieves: Understanding Rhetorical and Material Cooperation Among Violent Nonstate Actors Research We find that when groups share an ideology, and especially a religion, they are more likely to sustain material cooperation in the face of state repression.
Phil Potter: A Humble Heavy Hitter in National Security News Phil Potter's leadership, knowledge of the intelligence world and commitment to public service, including as founder of UVA Batten’s National Security Policy Center, has culminated in his appointment as the inaugural director of the newly launched National Security Data and Policy Institute, a project of UVA and the Department of Defense.
Balancing Act: Domestic Intelligence at a Time of Growing Threats News Finding balance was an overarching theme of Monday's Batten Hour speaker, Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at the Department of Homeland Security Kenneth Wainstein, who discussed election security and the role of his organization in bridging information gaps among all levels of U.S. government.