Jun 10, 2024 Cathryn McCue How Effective are America’s State Legislators? The Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) has compiled a massive database to measure the effectiveness of nearly every state legislator in the U.S. Based on CEL’s trusted methodology developed a decade ago to rank the effectiveness of members of Congress, the State Legislative Effectiveness Scores (SLES) project is the first to collect this kind of data at the state level in a comprehensive fashion. As with the congressional data, CEL researchers hope to use their findings to work with state lawmakers in order to improve the policy-making process. “We’re drawn to the combination of research and engagement, with the opportunity to use insights from this data to help lawmakers become more effective and inform the efforts of good governance partners,” said Craig Volden, a professor of public policy and politics at the UVA Frank Batten School for Leadership and Public Policy. He is also a co-founder and co-director of CEL, a partnership between Batten and Vanderbilt University. Volden made the announcement Saturday at the annual State Politics and Policy Conference, part of the American Political Science Association, which drew more than 140 academics from across the country to Grounds to share their most recent research on a wide range of state lawmaking topics. It was hosted by CEL, the Batten School and the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, with support from UVA’s Karsh Institute of Democracy and the Quantitative Collaborative. “This dataset allows extensive new research opportunities on legislative politics, public policy and representative democracy,” Volden said. Over the last several years, Volden and a team of CEL-affiliated researchers examined information from 1,032 legislative sessions from 97 state legislative chambers, two for each state. (Nebraska has only one chamber, and data from Kansas was not available.) For the years 1993 through 2018, they looked at five stages of bill development -- from introduction through various committee votes to passage into law – and weighted the significance of the bills at three levels to arrive at more than 80,300 scores. Among their initial findings: Political moderates tend to be highly effective; Lawmakers in the party holding a narrow majority dismiss minority bills; How the legislative institution is designed significantly influences where lawmaking powers are centered; and Effective state lawmakers run for Congress more frequently than their less effective peers, and in Congress, continue to be effective lawmakers. Volden outlined the center’s future plans for the state data project. Over the next several months, CEL plans to add data from 2019 to the present, and then regularly update the SLES within a few months of the end of each legislative term. In addition, CEL will sponsor future conferences to continue disseminating the data, as well as create guides and orientations for new state legislators. CEL will also fund working papers, research grants, post-doctoral students and faculty affiliates to continue gathering and interpreting the data. In addition, CEL hopes to develop an interactive website for researchers, lawmakers, the media and the public to easily search the data, similar to the congressional database on its website. See the full agenda of the 2024 State Politics and Policy Conference which lists some 140 political science academics from colleges and universities around the country. Craig Volden Craig Volden is a professor of public policy and politics at the University of Virginia, with appointments in the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the Department of Politics. He studies the politics of public policy, with a focus on what policy choices arise within legislative institutions and within American federalism. He is founder and co-director of the Center for Effective Lawmaking. Read full bio Related Content Craig Volden Legislative Effectiveness, Progressive Ambition, and Electoral Success Research Are effective state lawmakers more likely than ineffective state lawmakers to be elected to Congress? Our findings offer important insights into how American federalism contributes to representation by effective lawmakers. The Primary Path for Turning Legislative Effectiveness into Electoral Success Research Effective lawmakers are the workhorses of the US Congress, yet we know little about the electoral payoffs of their efforts. Are effective lawmakers better at warding off challengers in the next election? Do they win at a greater rate? Batten Hosts Back-to-Back Political Science Conferences News The UVA Batten School is excited to co-host the national State Politics and Policy Conference this weekend, bringing together some 140 political science researchers from across the country to share their recent findings on a wide range of topics. Immediately following, Batten hosts the annual conference of the Center for Effective Lawmaking, a joint project with Vanderbilt University. Effective Lawmaking in Virginia: Past, Present and Future News This week’s Batten Hour featured Bill Howell, former Speaker of the House of Delegates, and David Toscano, former House Minority Leader, in a discussion about how the legislature is addressing past, present and future policy challenges. Their discussion was moderated by Craig Volden, professor of public policy and politics and co-director of the Center for Effective Lawmaking. Stay Up To Date with the Latest Batten News and Events Subscribe
Craig Volden Craig Volden is a professor of public policy and politics at the University of Virginia, with appointments in the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the Department of Politics. He studies the politics of public policy, with a focus on what policy choices arise within legislative institutions and within American federalism. He is founder and co-director of the Center for Effective Lawmaking. Read full bio
Legislative Effectiveness, Progressive Ambition, and Electoral Success Research Are effective state lawmakers more likely than ineffective state lawmakers to be elected to Congress? Our findings offer important insights into how American federalism contributes to representation by effective lawmakers.
The Primary Path for Turning Legislative Effectiveness into Electoral Success Research Effective lawmakers are the workhorses of the US Congress, yet we know little about the electoral payoffs of their efforts. Are effective lawmakers better at warding off challengers in the next election? Do they win at a greater rate?
Batten Hosts Back-to-Back Political Science Conferences News The UVA Batten School is excited to co-host the national State Politics and Policy Conference this weekend, bringing together some 140 political science researchers from across the country to share their recent findings on a wide range of topics. Immediately following, Batten hosts the annual conference of the Center for Effective Lawmaking, a joint project with Vanderbilt University.
Effective Lawmaking in Virginia: Past, Present and Future News This week’s Batten Hour featured Bill Howell, former Speaker of the House of Delegates, and David Toscano, former House Minority Leader, in a discussion about how the legislature is addressing past, present and future policy challenges. Their discussion was moderated by Craig Volden, professor of public policy and politics and co-director of the Center for Effective Lawmaking.