Sep 20, 2022 President Hinton, Dean Solomon Discuss Leadership with Students and Community Members In front of a crowd of approximately 60 students and community members, Mary Dana Hinton, President of Hollins University, and Dean Solomon of the Batten School touched on various topics on leadership. On September 12th, Mary Dana Hinton, President of Hollins University, joined Batten School Dean Ian Solomon for an engaging discussion on women in leadership. Approximately 60 community members gathered in the Great Hall of Garrett Hall to listen to the conversation, where President Hinton and Dean Solomon touched on topics including being authentic and vulnerable, showing compassion towards oneself and others, being willing to fail, demonstrating courage amidst uncertainty and cultivating leadership in others. The conversation was lively, inspirational and sprinkled with thought-provoking anecdotes and insights. President Hinton mused about why the word “love” is often missing from theories on effective leadership. She became the thirteenth president of Hollins University on August 1, 2020, after six years as the president of the College of Saint Benedict (Saint Ben’s) in Saint Joseph, Minnesota. Her scholarship has focused on higher education leadership, strategic planning, the role of education in peace building, African American religious history, and inclusion in higher education. She is the author of The Commercial Church: Black Churches and the New Religious Marketplace in America and a frequent op-ed contributor across higher education publications. President Hinton touched on topics from her popular TEDx talk, Leading From the Margins, and shared openly about past leadership mistakes she has made -- and what she learned from them. Dean Solomon and President Hinton discuss important leadership principles with participants after the conclusion of the official event. The crowd, which included Jane Batten and Dorothy Batten of the Batten family which established the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy fifteen years ago, asked engaging questions about how to lead from anywhere and during any season of life. “I cherish opportunities to learn from President Hinton whenever I can,” said Dean Solomon. “I am so glad the Batten Community had the chance to watch her in action and hear her stories about leading from anywhere -- including from society’s margins -- with love, humility, forgiveness and extraordinary courage.” Watch the entire conversation below: Ian H. Solomon Ian H. Solomon is dean of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, where he leads a multidisciplinary faculty in creating new knowledge and developing leaders who can solve humanity’s greatest policy challenges. Trained as a lawyer, Solomon is a devoted student and teacher of both negotiation and conflict resolution. Read full bio Related Content Ian H. Solomon Compassion in Action: Contemplative Science and Practice in the Classroom and the World News In March 2024, Batten School Dean Ian Solomon and professors Kirsten Gelsdorf and Abigail Scholer joined dozens of scholars and others from around the world in Dharamsala, India, to meet with the Dalai Lama and explore ways to bring contemplative science and practice into teaching, research, policymaking and leadership in all sectors. Dean Solomon, Professors Gelsdorf and Scholer to Meet with the Dalai Lama News Dean Ian Solomon and professors Kirsten Gelsdorf and Abigail Scholer will travel to Dharamsala next week with leaders from UVA’s Contemplative Sciences Center to spend a week with practitioners and researchers in the contemplative sciences from around the world. They will also have an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Stay Up To Date with the Latest Batten News and Events Subscribe
Ian H. Solomon Ian H. Solomon is dean of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, where he leads a multidisciplinary faculty in creating new knowledge and developing leaders who can solve humanity’s greatest policy challenges. Trained as a lawyer, Solomon is a devoted student and teacher of both negotiation and conflict resolution. Read full bio
Compassion in Action: Contemplative Science and Practice in the Classroom and the World News In March 2024, Batten School Dean Ian Solomon and professors Kirsten Gelsdorf and Abigail Scholer joined dozens of scholars and others from around the world in Dharamsala, India, to meet with the Dalai Lama and explore ways to bring contemplative science and practice into teaching, research, policymaking and leadership in all sectors.
Dean Solomon, Professors Gelsdorf and Scholer to Meet with the Dalai Lama News Dean Ian Solomon and professors Kirsten Gelsdorf and Abigail Scholer will travel to Dharamsala next week with leaders from UVA’s Contemplative Sciences Center to spend a week with practitioners and researchers in the contemplative sciences from around the world. They will also have an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.