Through the Groundskeepers, Batten's Terrell Jana and teammates aim for lasting change in Charlottesville

Jana helped create the football team’s community outreach group called “Groundskeepers.”
Jana helped create the football team’s community outreach group called “Groundskeepers.”

Charles Snowden steeled himself for the walk he helped map out with a group of his Virginia teammates, feeling its gravity the moment he looked up at the street sign that read, "Heather Heyer Way."

The walk had to start here, where Heyer was killed three years earlier while protesting a white supremacist rally that descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia. Snowden and two teammates followed the 3-mile route down Main Street toward campus, in silence. His mind raced, asking, "How could an innocent person lose their life protesting in the city where I go to school?" while grappling with the fear, pain and anguish that remains today, in this town and in so many others across the country.

A little more than a mile in, they stopped exactly as planned at the Memorial to Enslaved Laborers, constructed to address the untold history of the slaves who built, worked and lived at the University of Virginia. Snowden walked along the inside of the memorial, shaped like a ring that slopes up 8 feet at its highest point. He stared at the granite, looking at the names.

Almost immediately, he read "Charles." He turned to his left. "Charles." To his right. "Charles."

"When I saw that, it hit home," said Snowden, a starting linebacker for the Virginia Cavaliers. "I'm a Division I athlete at a great institution, but had it been a different draw, that could have been me building the school, not allowed to go there. It added motivation to do whatever I could to bring change for the people behind me."

Snowden is doing that as part of a group of Virginia football players known as "The Groundskeepers," formed after the racial and social justice movements over this past year. Its goal is simple: to work toward actionable goals in their collective fight for change. Twelve players -- four white, seven Black and one biracial -- joined wide receivers coach Marques Hagans and two assistant coaches in leading the charge. The walk became their first big objective, but the Groundskeepers have brainstormed other outreach ideas, including working with local police to build better relationships and mentoring programs.

Those ideas might have taken longer to surface had it not been for the personal and highly emotional team Zoom meetings held months earlier.

Shortly after George Floyd was killed on May 25, Virginia coach Bronco Mendenhall scheduled daily virtual team meetings for players and coaches to speak openly, and sometimes bluntly, about their life experiences. Hagans knew he had an opportunity to make a powerful statement as a Black coach, not only for himself but also for the players staring back at him on his screen.

He spoke about the ways race divided his hometown, about all the times he was racially profiled, about police pulling him over at one of the busiest intersections in Hampton, Virginia, after he was drafted into the NFL -- making him get out of his car and handcuffing him for everyone to see.

He kept going, telling white players and coaches how much it hurts when they sit in silence, imploring them to stand alongside people of color in the fight for racial and social justice. Hagans had never told Mendenhall or any of his fellow assistants about his personal experiences, but as one of the first people of color to address the entire team, he knew he had to. Coaches and players cried as Hagans spoke, listening in silence. But when he finished, Hagans said he realized, "There was a lot of love spread that day. A lot of pain, a lot of hurt but also a lot of healing."

"I tried to tell the guys, being a Black man, you don't want anyone to feel sorry for you. That's not what we're trying to get across," Hagans said. "But me being a Black man, my days are different, my routine police stops are different, my presence in certain areas is different.

"I had to let my colleagues, who I consider my brothers, know if you aren't speaking up and checking on other coaches of color saying, 'We've got you, we're in the fight with you,' that's pretty hurtful. They never really thought about that, and once we had the conversation, we were able to grow and have a better understanding. Now everybody's really engaged on the fight for change."

Hagans opened a door to more frank conversations, as Mendenhall kept the daily Zoom meetings going for three weeks, giving players a platform to speak up. When it was over, everyone agreed they had to do more than just talk to each other or offer statements of solidarity on social media. They had to take action. Mendenhall approached Hagans about leading a group that would work toward creating change. The Groundskeepers name itself is their way of recognizing one event that made them uniquely positioned to be leaders in the fight for equality, racial and social justice.

Three years earlier, on Aug. 11, 2017, white supremacists and neo-Nazis held a rally in Charlottesville, marching on campus -- known as "The Grounds" -- with torches, shouting hateful messages and inciting violence. A day later, a Unite The Right rallygoer willingly drove his car into a group of counterprotesters, killing Heyer and injuring several others.

At the time, the Virginia football team had just started preseason practice. Players were placed on lockdown in their rooms after the governor declared a state of emergency. Seniors on the 2020 team were freshmen back then, and though they remember the campus coming together in a unified response, what happened after Floyd's death presented a larger opportunity to act.

"I don't think the conversations on what took place in Charlottesville were as raw," Hagans said. "We were more shocked, like, 'How could people do this in here?' After George Floyd, we were on Zoom, and we weren't around each other to console each other. Some of our players were protesting, and you had different perceptions of the situation because of how they related to it, and that's what made it different.

"Each person of color all had stories where they had been racially profiled or experienced racism, as opposed to the alt group -- that was an attack on the total team, the total university, the total community. This was not necessarily experienced as a whole team."

Though the circumstances were different, both events exposed the deep-seated hatred, bigotry and injustice that minority groups feel on a daily basis, all on display in videos streamed all over the world.

"The main thing was finding a way not only to stand up against it and to make a verbal statement but what are we doing, what steps are we taking?" said receiver Terrell Jana, a member of the Groundskeepers. "People want to promote change. People want to be a part of making the community stronger, which I think is one of the vast differences from now compared to back in 2017. Community leaders, community organizers have been doing it all along. They're who we looked at and said, 'We need to do something like that.'"

Garrett Hall at Sunset

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