Past Events

In celebration of Black History Month, the Batten School invites you to 30 minutes of reading, listening and reflection each weekday morning. Join us this morning for a reading on Maya Angelou, facilitated by Kimberly Jenkins Robinson, Batten School Professor of Law, Education and Public Policy.


Which psychosocial interventions are effective and why? How can we create meaningful psychosocial support for displaced populations in humanitarian contexts? Join Batten Professor Kirsten Gelsdorf and Associate Professor Amanda Nguyen present their findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis to the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


Applying to Batten's BA or Minor programs and have a few last minute questions? Attend the spring application workshop co-hosted by the Batten Latinx Network, the Black Student Leaders in Policy, and the Batten Admissions Office to ask your questions and receive feedback on your application materials.

Jan 18, 2021 4 - 6 PM