Past Events

Whether we are discussing affordable housing, access to healthcare, racial equity, gender equity, LGBTQ+ rights, forced displacement, or climate change, current and aspiring policymakers should see the private sector as a key partner, Batten professor Christine Mahoney argues. For the next installment of Batten Expert Chats, Mahoney will speak and take questions on how investments can act as an engine for positive social impact.


Harry Harding, professor of public policy and founding dean of the Batten School, will join us for the next edition of Batten’s Expert Chat series. His talk and the Q&A session to follow will cover relations between the U.S. and China. What efforts did the two countries make to build a stable relationship, and why did they fail? What happens next?


Air pollution in the United States has decreased significantly over the last few decades. But poor, minority communities have remained the most polluted, according to a newly published study from two UVA professors and their co-authors. During the next installment of Batten Expert Chats, Batten’s Jay Shimshack and Jonathan Colmer of UVA’s Department of Economics will discuss and take questions on their research and on why it matters.


In August 2017, white supremacists gathered in Charlottesville and the University of Virginia for the Unite the Right rally, now familiar to people around the world. Rally attendees met counter-protestors in a violent clash that killed a peaceful protestor. UVA and Charlottesville were caught unprepared. On the third anniversary of this event, Batten’s dean, Ian Solomon, will speak with Risa Goluboff, dean of the UVA School of Law, and take questions from the audience. As chair of the Deans Working Group, Dean Goluboff led efforts to assess the University’s response to the rally and make recommendations for change.


As we approach the third anniversary of the tragic events that unfolded in Charlottesville from August 11-12, 2017, we invite you to join us for a virtual program that allows us to connect with our community of students, faculty, staff, and alumni. 


In the midst of the current health crisis, we’re facing food insecurity of “biblical proportions,” according to the UN’s World Food Programme. During the next installment of Batten Expert Chats, Batten lecturer Galen Fountain will speak and take questions on how the pandemic is influencing the food supply both domestically and globally. He’ll also offer his recommendations for addressing the situation.


Young people across the country are experiencing all kinds of loss, whether it’s the death of a loved one or the loss of freedom after moving back home. What can we do about it? During the next edition of Batten Expert Chats, Brooke Lehmann, Batten lecturer, will speak and take questions on heightened anxiety and depression among young people, as well as the path to an appropriate policy response. 

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