Past Events

February 6, 2024, 3:30-6:15 pm

The Miller Center commemorates the 2nd anniversary of the Russian war in Ukraine in a special two-panel program with UVA experts in foreign policy, defense, and diplomacy.

Two years into the Ukraine War: Where are we headed and what have we learned?

Session One: Global Inflection Point? Experts reflect on how the war has changed international politics. What was foreseen, and what was not? What might the future hold?

Session Two: Leadership Matters The leadership of three presidents—Joe Biden in the United States, Vladimir Putin in Russia, and Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine—has defined the trajectory of the war. What conclusions can we draw about presidential leadership and decision-making in the 21st century? How might a change of leadership in any of the three countries change the trajectory once again?

Soldiers and tank

A panel of experts on law, international affairs, and political science analyze constitutional crises in the United States, comparing them to the experiences of other countries. Panelists will tackle such important questions as: What is a constitutional crisis? Has the United States experienced one recently? What are the triggers or warning signs of a constitutional crisis? And how can we prevent them in the future?


In this conversation hosted by UVA's Miller Center, Richard Haass, veteran diplomat and the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, talks with Todd Sechser of the Democracy Initiative's Statecraft Lab about his new book The World: A Brief Introduction,


On the day after the 2020 presidential election, three Miller Center experts examine the results by looking at exit polling and analyzing state data to see what it reveals about the electorate. Which issues seemed to dominate? Where were the critical districts that decided the election? 


From Abigail Adams to suffragists to presidential tickets, women have played consequential roles in American politics as voters, activists, candidates, and officeholders. This panel will examine how women have influenced and been affected by politics, law, and public policy.


How does one navigate the policy implications of a worldwide epidemic? And what does that look like? Join the Miller Center for a discussion with Batten School Dean Ian Solomon on the policy implications of the coronavirus epidemic. 

Join the Miller Center and Batten School for a discussion with New Jersey’s sitting governor, Phil D. Murphy, and First Lady Tammy Snyder Murphy on the trajectory of their careers on how their private-sector work transferred to government, and issues that they have focused on in the state house. The discussion will be moderated by Dean Ian H. Solomon.


President Trump is only the third president in U.S. history to have been formally impeached by the House of Representatives. The Miller Center, along with the Center for Politics, the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, UVA Law’s Karsh Center, and the Jefferson and Literary Debating Society, is assembling some of UVA’s leading experts on the presidency and the Constitution to offer context and answer questions from the audience.