Past Events

February 6, 2024, 3:30-6:15 pm

The Miller Center commemorates the 2nd anniversary of the Russian war in Ukraine in a special two-panel program with UVA experts in foreign policy, defense, and diplomacy.

Two years into the Ukraine War: Where are we headed and what have we learned?

Session One: Global Inflection Point? Experts reflect on how the war has changed international politics. What was foreseen, and what was not? What might the future hold?

Session Two: Leadership Matters The leadership of three presidents—Joe Biden in the United States, Vladimir Putin in Russia, and Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine—has defined the trajectory of the war. What conclusions can we draw about presidential leadership and decision-making in the 21st century? How might a change of leadership in any of the three countries change the trajectory once again?

Soldiers and tank

Interested in working abroad after graduation? Considering teaching abroad? Attend this panel to hear from experts who have taught outside of the U.S. Stay afterward for pizza and networking with panelists and representatives from the Peace Corps and the Office of Citizen Scholar Development. This event is part of Global Week at UVA.