Past Events

In partnership with the UVA Center for Politics, Kyle Kondik (Managing Editor of the Crystal Ball) will moderate a panel of four experts on the topic of Voting in the Midst of a Pandemic, there will be time for questions from the audience.


Moderated by Batten Professor David Leblang, Two Miller Center fellows from different parties, Mary Kate Cary and Chris Lu, explore the future of bipartisanship. Can the current health and economic crisis bring the two parties together, or is it just a temporary reprieve? And what are some ways that we can foster more bipartisanship in Washington?


How does one navigate the policy implications of a worldwide epidemic? And what does that look like? Join the Miller Center for a discussion with Batten School Dean Ian Solomon on the policy implications of the coronavirus epidemic. 

Any economic crisis can impact our physical and mental health. But what about when that crisis is caused by a global pandemic? Batten Professor Chris Ruhm will join us for the third installment of our expert chat series about the novel coronavirus. In a brief online lecture followed by a question and answer session, Ruhm will discuss how prior research on economic recessions and overall health might shed light on the path ahead, and where that research might lead us astray.


Join Steve Hiss to learn about the benefits of long-term investing through a 401(k) and IRA (Individual Retirement Account). This workshop will highlight the compounding effect of long-term investing, define what a 401(k) and IRA are (both Traditional and Roth options), review the similarities and difference between the two vehicles, and explain the tax advantages of saving through retirement accounts. You’ll also learn about “company” matching, as well as when and how you can invest in either a 401(k) or IRA.