Past Events

Join us for an event sponsored by the Center for Politics and hosted by Larry Sabato. Panelists for the event will include Former Senator Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Former Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D- ND), and Former Senator Claire McCaskill (D - MO).

Koji Murata is a Professor of Political Science at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. He is coming to UVA to speak on the following topics: US-Japan Alliance in the Trump Era, Japan's Domestic and Foreign Policy after Abe, and Japan and the Korean Peninsula.

Join the UVA Center for Politics Ambassador Series with His Excellency Carlos dos Santos, Ambassador of Mozambique to the United States. The event will open with a welcome by Professor Larry Sabato and proceed with a speech by Ambassador dos Santos that will focus on the relationship between our countries and issues impacting Mozambique and Southern Africa.

How can academia help the Intelligence Community meet the demands of the post-9/11 era? Join us for a panel discussion on the role of higher education in U.S. national security. As part of their international outreach program, DIA will be bringing 15 intelligence analysts from around the world to participate in the discussion.

Join us for a formal Women in Policy meeting as we hear from guest speaker Geri Greenspan. The conversation will be aimed at building awareness for domestic violence policy issues in Virginia in honor of domestic violence awareness month.