Alumni Profile: Sanjay Choudhury

Name and graduation year: Sanjay Choudhury, MPP 2012
Job Title: Manager, Analytics
Organization: Toronto Blue Jays
Tell us about what you do in your job? I perform research and analysis related to transactions, player development, roster construction, and overall strategy.
Are there any courses or experiences at Batten that prepared you for your role? Professor Ben Converse’s psychology courses were fascinating – regardless of your industry, the ability to work well in a team and engage thoughtfully with people even when you disagree is a crucial skill. Professsor Jeanine Braithwaite was a fantastic mentor – she really helped prepare me to apply Batten coursework in a hands-on setting.
What is it like to use a policy degree in the sports industry? It’s interesting that the challenges we face are similar to those that exist in education or development policy. We’re fundamentally trying to answer interesting questions that affect human beings, and we use many of the same methods and tools to do so.
What advice would you give prospective or current students about the Batten experience? Enjoy it – it’s a chance to meet interesting people, learn from them, and have a ton of fun. Many of the relationships I built while at Batten have continued into post-graduation life, and the most meaningful experiences from my time at Batten weren’t academic in nature. Until you’ve left, it’s difficult to appreciate just how unique an experience it is to be surrounded by people who share your hopes and passions.


Garrett Hall at Sunset

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