Formative Change Group Consulting

FCG Batten-hosted Website: 


Formative Change Group Consulting


Tabs (across the top above scrolling content highlights): 

About Us - Our Mission, 2020-2021 Strategic Vision, Executive Board (Pictures and Bios)


Our Members: Page has link to member info request form + basic highlights on what it means to be a part of and manage a project, as well as expectations


Our Partners: Page has a link to bios of all past partners, as well as a link to the partner info request form. Work from example projects will be showcased under deliverable headers (“grant research,” “survey”, etc.) so potential partners can see work that we’ve done and how it is similar for them 


Our Projects: Blurbs for each of the four projects being worked on for the year, as well as a link to the MOU, and list of the client, project manager, project advisor, and team members 


Our Alumni: Page has a link to alumni info request form. Key ways alumni can engage are listed, as well as descriptions/slides from past alumni events to give alumni a sense of how they can plug in. A special section goes over the kind of feedback we are looking for from alums. 


Scrolling content highlights: 

  1. FCG projects for the year
  2. “Member Highlights”
  3. “Alumni in Action” 
  4. “Partner in Action”


Three “join” buttons at the bottom of the home page take prospective members, prospective alumni contacts, and prospective partners to “information request” forms


Blurb at the bottom of the home page says: 


FCG is a student-led organization at the University of Virginia’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy that offers both undergraduate and graduate students hands-on, real-world, consultative project management experience. FCG students partner with community-engaged, mission driven organizations (often non-profits) in the Charlottesville area to learn from these organizations about their work and offer support and assistance on semester or year long consulting projects.


FCG is a student-led organization at the University of Virginia’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy that offers both undergraduate and graduate students hands-on, real-world, consultative project management experience. FCG students partner with community-engaged, mission driven organizations (often non-profits) in the Charlottesville area to learn from these organizations about their work and offer support and assistance on semester or year long consulting projects.