The Batten School and UVA Center for Politics Announce Democracy in Perilous Times: Unprecedented Challenges and Controversies

New collaboration to include public events, visiting international delegations and 20th annual national student mock election

CHARLOTTESVILLE – With the midterm of a presidential administration approaching and control of the Congress and U.S. Supreme Court weighing in the balance, today the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the UVA Center for Politics announced a new National Symposium Series on Democracy.

The forthcoming series “Democracy in Perilous Times: Unprecedented Challenges and Controversies” will host nationally recognized speakers such as Martin Luther King, III; Republican strategist Karl Rove; former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile; political commentator Ana Navarro; CNN’s Jim Acosta; Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA-28); and others. The series will also feature the 20th annual Youth Leadership Initiative national student mock election and the national premiere of CHARLOTTESVILLE, a two-hour television documentary on the events of Aug. 11 and 12, 2017, produced in partnership with the PBS Community Idea Stations.

“The partnership provides an opportunity to leverage the Batten School’s unique multidisciplinary approach to training the next generation of public policy leaders with the Center’s commitment to civic education and political participation,” Batten School Dean Allan C. Stam said. “Our collaboration is beneficial to the entire University community and comes at a critical time as we approach the national midterm elections.”

“Restoring faith in the American political system, and in democracy as an institution, is not a job for another people or another time,” said Center for Politics Director Larry J. Sabato. “It is today’s challenge. And while we know we can’t solve it alone, we hope this ambitious national series can serve a springboard for other serious discussions and related efforts.”

The first program in the series, “Has Trump Changed the Presidency Forever?” will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 6:45 p.m. in the Newcomb Ballroom. Sabato will moderate a discussion featuring Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume; Republican political strategist Ana Navarro; former Bernie Sanders spokeswoman Symone Sanders; and former White House legislative affairs director Marc Short.

The following week, on Sept. 17 (Constitution Day), will feature the unveiling of the First Freedom Wall, in partnership with American Evolution. The newest online activity on the Center for Politics’ National Youth Leadership Initiative (YLI), this virtual free-speech wall will promote responsible use of social media for public dialogue. K-12 teachers nationwide will post student quotes, questions, or topics on the First Freedom Wall to which students may respond using the skills of civil discourse. The electronic free speech wall will be supported by a new series of lesson plans and other teaching resources on civil debate and media literacy.

On Sept. 27, the series will focus on the immigration debate in America when it presents “The Mother of Exiles” with Democratic strategist Maria Cardona and former Puerto Rico Gov. Luis Fortuno, among others. That event will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Great Hall located in Garrett Hall.  

A complete schedule of events is available here.


About the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy: The University of Virginia Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy is authoring a new model of public policy education. Of the 250-plus schools of public policy and administration in the U.S., the Batten School has the distinction of being the only one explicitly committed to teaching leadership—how it works, why context matters in decision-making and which actions lead to tangible results. The School’s programs inspire students to act vigorously, effectively and ethically on behalf of the common good. Learn more at

About The UVA Center for Politics ( The UVA Center for Politics is a non-partisan institute that seeks to promote the value of politics, improve civics education, and increase civic participation through comprehensive research, pragmatic analysis, and innovative educational programs.

Garrett Hall at Sunset

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