May 25, 2017 Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos Congratulates Batten Graduates The Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy celebrated the achievements of its ninth class of graduates, part of the 188th Final Exercises of the University of Virginia the weekend of May 19 through 21. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos delivered remarks at the Valedictory Exercises in John Paul Jones Arena on Friday, May 19. President Santos received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016 and is the father of Esteban Santos, a 2017 Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy graduate. His full remarks are available in the video below. Watch video on YouTube The following day, the Batten School held its Academic Regalia Ceremony at Ash Lawn-Highland, the estate of James Monroe. President Santos addressed an extraordinary class of Batten graduates; measured by engagement, leadership, service, dedication to the school and even future employment. He cited the importance of choosing the correct path and standing up, should they fall. To see President Santos’ full remarks at the Academic Regalia Ceremony, watch the video below. Watch video on YouTube Stay Up To Date with the Latest Batten News and Events Subscribe