Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Updates

The Batten School and the University of Virginia are closely monitoring the emergence of COVID-19, and consulting with experts at UVA Health, the Virginia Department of Health, the CDC and other partners. Our top priority is the health, safety, and well-being of the members of the Batten community. Please continue to visit this page as there may be frequent updates and changes.

For comprehensive information on the University of Virginia's response to COVID-19, including University statements, operational guidance, and FAQs for students, faculty, and staff, visit UVA’s COVID-19 resource website.

Tips and Information

See the University’s FAQs for current students.

Updates to CR/NC and Fall 2020 Enrollment Dates  

The Office of the Provost announced that all undergraduate courses will automatically default to credit/no credit (CR/NC) grading. This policy will also apply to Batten graduate courses. If you desire to receive a letter grade for any course, you have the option to do so. The decision must be made by April 28th.  Additional information regarding this process will be released as soon as possible. If you want to discuss how CR/NC will work for your academic requirements, please make an advising appointment Amanda Crombie through the Battenforce portal. Please note that the Batten School will suspend our grading distribution policy (3.5 GPA target) for Spring 2020.  

For all 1st year MPP and 3rd year BA students, Fall 2020 enrollment dates are being pushed back two weeks. The following are the new fall enrollment dates:  

  • Shopping carts go live Friday, April 3 

  • Graduate enrollment begins Friday, April 17 

  • Undergraduate enrollment begins Monday, April 20 

  • NOTE: Summer 2020 enrollment remains the same: Graduate students begin summer enrollment on March 30 and undergraduate students begin March 31 

Updates to the Withdrawal Deadline for Spring 2020

The Office of the Provost has extended the deadline to withdraw from a course for the Spring 2020 semester. The new deadline is Thursday, March 19, 2020, at midnight, which is also the day that classes will resume after Spring Break.  

If you have any questions about withdrawing from a class, contact Kristine Nelson ( If dropping a class will take you below 12 credits for the semester, you must get approval from Amanda Crombie (

Adjusting to Online Learning

Please visit the Remote Learning Tools for Students page for information on Batten's remote learning tools: UVACollab and Zoom.

The University has prepared several guides designed to help students adjust to distance learning. 

Financial Resources

If you find yourself with a need for emergency financial support, please contact Jill Rockwell  ( and she will help direct you to the appropriate resources.

Health and Wellness

Unless you are instructed to do so, Student Health has requested that students do not come directly to the Department of Student Health & Wellness, but rather, call 434-982-3915 to first discuss telemedicine appointments, referrals, or in-house care. If you are experiencing a fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher), cough, or trouble breathing, Student Health would like you to call this same number to discuss next steps. While Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) will be conducting its counseling sessions remotely, it remains available to all students for support, referral, and crisis services. If you need help during this time call 434-243-5150. If you are a current client, your counselor will communicate with you about your upcoming appointments to determine the best way to meet. Although CAPS counselors will not be on-site, CAPS will remain open Monday, 3/16 – Friday, 3/20 from 9am-5pm. You can still always talk to a clinician 24/7 by phone at 215-898-7021 (press 1). Similarly, SilverCloud is an immediate, online, confidential mental health tool that is available for free to UVA students through CAPS. You will find more information about Student Health and CAPS on their websites, including numbers for after-hours care.

Additional Resources National Disaster Distress Helpline Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor. Dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator MiResource – Local Charlottesville Community Providers


How can I schedule an appointment with my academic advisor?  

Students in the Master of Public Policy or the Bachelor of Arts programs, please log onto the Battenforce portal to schedule a remote appointment with Amanda Crombie.

Students in the Public Policy and Leadership minor, please log onto the Battenforce portal to schedule a remote appointment with Kristine Nelson.

How can I schedule an appointment with the Batten School registrar?  

Please use the Battenforce portal to schedule a remote appointment with Kristine Nelson. 

How can I schedule an appointment with a Batten School career advisor?  

Current Batten BA and MPP students can use the Battenforce portal to schedule remote appointments with Jill Rockwell, Steve Hiss, and Hannah Guffey.

We recognize this is a unique moment for newly admitted students to Batten. Even in these challenging and uncertain times, you remain our priority, and we’re committed to providing you with the information and access you need as you chart your path toward Batten this fall! 

To that end, in the coming days and weeks you will find here information on changes to previously scheduled events, as well as an ever-growing list of FAQs. And of course, always feel free to reach out to us directly at


What will the fall look like?

In a press release on June 17th, President Jim Ryan announced that the current plan is to start the fall semester as planned, with undergraduate and graduate courses starting on Tuesday, August 25th. Assuming state and federal public health guidelines allow, the University is planning to have students back on Grounds and to hold in-person classes this fall but are still determining how many in-person classes they can host, given social distancing restrictions. All larger classes will remain online all semester, as will classes taught by faculty who have health concerns. Classes that are offered in person, with the exception of some practicums, will also be available remotely, since some students will not be able to return to Grounds.

While the fall semester will start on time, the University is planning to finish in-person instruction by Thanksgiving but is still determining if they will host exams before Thanksgiving or whether they will be offered remotely. Students will not return until the new year, which will minimize the inevitable risk associated with travel back and forth to Charlottesville.

When should I expect to hear about the format of classes and fall semester?

The University’s Fall 2020 Committee has created two different resources for the community, including one for students and families and one on safety measures in returning to Grounds. These pages will be constantly updated as the committee continues to finalize their plans for the fall.  

What new safety measures will be in place?

To keep students, faculty, staff, and members of our community safe, the University is developing protocols for testing, tracing, and isolating anyone who tests positive for COVID-19, as well as identifying spaces to quarantine on-Grounds residents exposed to those who have contracted COVID-19. The University is also acquiring personal protective equipment—including masks—for students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, the University is developing social distancing guidelines, as well as norms and rules around these guidelines. This includes making plans for managing dining halls, libraries, and recreational facilities, as well as for ramping up scholarship and research. For more information on UVA’s public health measures, please click here for the most updated information.

How can I schedule an appointment with the Admissions Office? 

The Admissions Office is open for business! We will be happy to meet with you via Zoom or over the phone. If you are a current UVA undergraduate interested in the Accelerated MPP, Undergraduate Major, or Undergraduate Minor you can book through the Batten Appointment Scheduler

If you are not a current UVA student and/or are interested in the Postgraduate MPP, please request more information or email us at and someone will be in touch with you to schedule an appointment. Resources for newly admitted MPP students, including Virtual Admitted Students Weekend content, can be found here

Am I allowed to visit UVA?   

In light of Governor Northam’s Temporary Stay at Home Order, effective March 30, 2020, we are not currently scheduling visits to the University.  All University tours have been cancelled as well until further notice.  The order is scheduled to be lifted on June 10, 2020, unless amended or rescinded by further executive order.  Once lifted, we hope to support the visits of admitted students who are interested in touring the Batten School, UVA, and Charlottesville. 

What if I need more time than the April 15 deadline to accept my offer of admission into the Postgraduate MPP?   

We understand that you are making your grad school decision at a uniquely challenging historical moment.  If you need additional time past the April 15 deadline, please request it directly from our Admissions Office and we will be glad to explore a time horizon that better fits with your plans. 

What should I do if I cannot take one of the required standardized tests (e.g., GRE, TOEFL, IELTS)?   

We are aware of the difficulties applicants are having in taking certain standardized exams, and we do not want these requirements to pose an unnecessary burden during this difficult time.  Please contact the Office of Admissions so that we may discuss alternative evaluations or other accommodations. 

Am I able to defer my admission until the following fall?  If so, will I keep my postgraduate fellowship offer?   

The Batten School remains committed to offering deferments when possible.  Please contact the Office of Admissions to discuss deferment requests and options. 


How can I get more information as a prospective student? 

While we aren’t accommodating in-person visits or meetings at this time, if you are a current UVA student you can book a virtual appointment with a member of the Admissions team through the Batten Appointment Scheduler. You can also visit our degree program pagesapplication information pages, or sign up for our listserv.

In the coming weeks, we will be standing up new content on our website to share more about the Batten School, its mission and programs, resources, and the student experience. 

How can I schedule an appointment with the Admissions Office? 

The Admissions Office is open for business! We will be happy to meet with you via Zoom or over the phone. If you are a current UVA undergraduate interested in the Accelerated MPP, Undergraduate Major, or Undergraduate Minor you can book through the Batten Appointment Scheduler

If you are not a current UVA student and/or interested in the Postgraduate MPP, please visit or email us at and someone will be in touch with you to schedule an appointment. 

Will courses taken for credit/no credit during the Spring 2020 semester fulfill program prerequisites?  If I take a class for CR/GC/NC, will it be looked at negatively in the application process? 

The default grading system for all Spring 2020 undergraduate coursework will be credit/general credit/no credit (CR/GC/NC), though students may opt to receive a letter grade.  Any coursework taken towards the completion of Batten program prerequisites (including ECON 2010, PSYC 2600, and MATH 1190/MATH 1210/MATH 1310/APMA 1090 or any more advanced calculus course) that earns credit (CR) will be accepted. Those who earn General Credit (GC) in a prerequisite course will need to retake that course before their expected start term at Batten.

More broadly, in evaluating your academic performance, you will not be penalized for an academic transcript reflecting CR for any spring 2020 coursework.