Leading from Anywhere: Batten Global Policy Center

With the unveiling of its new Global Policy Center, the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy aims to deepen current curriculum with a new international dimension. Already the School has expertise and connections in South America, as seen with the recent partnership with el Universidad de los Andes in Colombia. The Center plans to expand offerings and outreach to areas across the globe such as Europe and Asia.

The mission of the newly instituted Global Policy Center is to promote global teaching and research, which will diversify the classroom experience and make the course of study on leadership more comprehensive. New global offerings will include an experiential learning component such as global internships, field experiences and simulations, student capstone projects with an international focus and expanded faculty research.

Faculty research is arguably one of the most important components of the Center’s vision, according to Faculty Director David Leblang, “We make sure our faculty are on the cutting edge, but that they bring students along.” Batten students will be given the tools to thrive as public policy leaders in an increasingly diverse and globalized world, able to tackle even the most challenging global crises.

With the pressing international policy issues faced every day, it is crucial for students to be immersed in these problems and understand their international impact. The School’s policy areas of focus of health, sustainability, education and security, are global problems as well and the more students view them through a global lense, the better prepared they will be in their careers.

In addition to an enhanced curriculum, the Global Policy Center will support international activities in scholarship, service and student engagement. The Center will further the Batten’s visibility both in the United States and abroad, fostering international relationships and placing students in policy positions throughout the world.

Garrett Hall at Sunset

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