When Research Hits Home: Paper Helps Professor, Student Bond As Survivors News Batten School professor Lucy Bassett and UVA alum Maya Ewart discovered a personal bond that led to a collaborative research project showcasing how depictions of eating disorders in popular culture and media are frequently out of touch with reality.
A Global Approach to Improving Outcomes for Teen Mothers and Their Babies News Batten professor Lucy Bassett brought researchers from around the world together to tackle an issue that spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the UVA Humanitarian Collaborative, Bassett organized a workshop focused on how more support can be brought to adolescent mothers and young children.
Enhancing educators’ skills for quality preprimary education in Bangladesh News In a study for World Bank, Batten's Lucy Bassett and co-author share findings about teacher preparedness in Bangladesh's pre-primary education programs.
Childcare: An overlooked response to emergencies News Providing childcare in humanitarian emergencies is a win-win strategy for women and children. It’s time to make it a reality for more families.
Leadership Unscripted: A Conversation with Baroness Stroud and Lucy Bassett Event You are invited to join the Darden School for a virtual Leadership Unscripted Speaker Series session on Thursday, 9 December, at 12:00 p.m. EST featuring Baroness Stroud in a conversation with Batten's own Professor Bassett as they discuss Grassroots Organizing to Policy Changes: Confronting Complex Social Challenges.
Policy for Women — and Everyone News A new five-week course from Professor Lucy Bassett brings a feminist perspective to the Batten curriculum.
"Separated: Children at the Border" Film Screening with Lucy Bassett Event Batten Associate Professor of Practice of Public Policy Lucy Bassett leads a screening and discussion of "Separated: Children at the Border" as part of a documentary series addressing the immigrant and refugee experience.
'Deal with the root causes': Harris visits U.S.-Mexico border after months of pressure on immigration News In advance of Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, Batten professor Lucy Bassett spoke with USA Today about the significance of the trip, and the complexity of the root causes contributing to record numbers of migrants seeking asylum at the southern border.
Batten's Gabrielle Adams and Lucy Bassett Receive UVA's Prestigious All-University Faculty Teaching Award News Despite many challenges posed by the pandemic, Adams and Bassett demonstrated outstanding skill, compassion and creativity in keeping students engaged in virtual classes and relating their subject material to daily life.
Telling the Whole Story: Batten Students Tackle the Border Crisis from a New Angle News In Professor Lucy Bassett’s class on the U.S./Mexico border, students learn to integrate their policy knowledge with storytelling techniques to reach new audiences. Their multimedia projects bring the border crisis to life.
Our Immigration Policy Has Done Terrible Damage to Kids News In an op-ed for Scientific American, Batten's Lucy Bassett and co-author Hirokazu Yoshikawa outline immediate steps the Biden-Harris administration should take to begin addressing the trauma inflicted upon children through inhumane immigration policies.