Compassion in Action: Contemplative Science and Practice in the Classroom and the World News In March 2024, Batten School Dean Ian Solomon and professors Kirsten Gelsdorf and Abigail Scholer joined dozens of scholars and others from around the world in Dharamsala, India, to meet with the Dalai Lama and explore ways to bring contemplative science and practice into teaching, research, policymaking and leadership in all sectors.
Dean Solomon, Professors Gelsdorf and Scholer to Meet with the Dalai Lama News Dean Ian Solomon and professors Kirsten Gelsdorf and Abigail Scholer will travel to Dharamsala next week with leaders from UVA’s Contemplative Sciences Center to spend a week with practitioners and researchers in the contemplative sciences from around the world. They will also have an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Want To Help Save the World? This New Book Club Offers a Novel Approach News News and facts about humanitarian crises don't drive people to action, but a good fiction book might. Batten School professor Kirsten Gelsdorf and Humanitarian Collaborative practitioner fellow Adrienne Ghaly created a book club that might save the world.
Humanitarian Aid and International Development Career Panel Event This event is for students interested in careers in international development and humanitarianism. Learn from alumni in the field of global development about career paths, important skills needed in this field, and how to "break in" to a job or internship in this sector. There will be opportunities to learn and network virtually with alumni and fellow students. Alumni in attendance have worked in organizations such as USAID, DAI, Chemonics, Peace Corps, and more!
Batten Faculty Recognized for Excellence in Teaching, Service, Research and Engagement News This academic year, Batten School professors won a slew of internal and external recognitions for excellence in teaching, service, research and engagement.
Kirsten Gelsdorf: Examining Today’s Humanitarian Crises and Organizations News Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy professor Kirsten Gelsdorf spoke to UVA Lifetime Learning's podcast about the current state of worldwide humanitarian crises and organizations poised to address them.
Batten’s Gelsdorf Speaks with The Washington Post, NPR’s Marketplace About the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine News As Russia’s war in Ukraine closes in on a month, news outlets across the country continue to turn to Batten Professor Kirsten Gelsdorf for insight into the humanitarian side of the crisis.
Humanitarian corridors could help civilians safely leave Ukraine – but Russia has a history of not respecting these pathways News As experts on international humanitarian policy and relief efforts, Batten's Kirsten Gelsdorf and co-author Jacob Kurtzer write that while humanitarian corridors could create safe exit routes out of besieged cities – and allow aid to reach people within Ukraine – they are only part of the solution to protecting civilians during war.
Ukraine Crisis: Implications for International Policy and Diplomacy Event The Batten School and National Security Policy Center bring together a panel of experts to discuss the global ripple effects of Russia's attack on Ukraine with a focus on policy, diplomacy and humanitarian implications.
Center for Global Health Equity Journal Club With Kirsten Gelsdorf Event Join Kirsten Gelsdorf and the Center for Global Health Equity Journal Club for a moderated discussion on positive trends in global health in humanitarian contexts. Check out the article, Gelsdorf Talks Humanitarian Aid Misconceptions on NPR’s ‘With Good Reason,’ as material for the topic of discussion for the event!
"Human Flow" Film Screening with Kirsten Gelsdorf and David Leblang Event Batten professors Kirsten Gelsdorf and David Leblang lead a screening and discussion of the film "Human Flow" as part of a documentary series addressing the immigrant and refugee experience.
The Lessons of War: The United States, Afghanistan & Iraq since 9/11 Event UVA’s Governing America in a Global Era and the Jefferson Scholars Foundation host a dinner and panel discussion featuring experts including Batten Professor Kirsten Gelsdorf.