Women’s Center Highlights BUC President Hayley Lawrence


The UVA Maxine Platzer Lynn Women’s Center recently highlighted Batten Undergraduate Council (BUC) President Hayley Lawrence on the their website.

Year: 4th
Major: Public Policy & Leadership; Spanish
Hometown: Centreville, VA

What do you miss most about your hometown when you’re at UVA?
When I’m at UVA, I miss spending time with my mom and my 3 pets. My mom is my best friend, and I always get excited for breaks and holidays so I get to go home and hang out with her. My pets are essentially my siblings (since I’m an only child) so we call our household the “Lawrence Family Zoo” because there are more animals than people!

Why are you passionate about the Women’s Center?
I am so impressed by all of the people I meet at the Women’s Center, and furthermore, all of the incredible things they do for the community. I am so fortunate to serve as a member of such a dedicated and passionate team.

What is your favorite UVA tradition?
Lighting of the Lawn is my favorite UVA tradition. It brings the entire University community together during the stress of finals to celebrate all of the wonderful parts of the holiday season. It’s hard to feel stressed when you’re surrounded by all of the bright lights, music, and the support of all of your classmates.

What’s a fun fact you’d like people to know about you?
I am all about adventure. When I was in high school, I swam with sharks twice–once in a cage, and once without. For my twentieth birthday, I went skydiving! I would absolutely do it again.

What’s next on your bucket list?
I’m hoping to climb one of the world’s major peaks in the next couple of years. Mt. Kilimanjaro–I’m coming for you!


Garrett Hall at Sunset

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