Jun 10, 2020 Batten Hosts Candidate Forum with Democratic Contenders for Virginia’s 5th District Seat Earlier this week, Batten professors moderated a discussion between the four candidates on issues ranging from racial justice to gun control On June 7, Batten professors Andy Pennock, Gabe Adams, and Peter Johannessen moderated a virtual candidate forum between the four Democrats vying to challenge Republican incumbent Denver Riggleman for his seat representing Virginia’s fifth congressional district. "Convening public conversations is an important part of the Batten School's mission,” said Pennock. “The pandemic has made public conversations both more important and more difficult to have. This forum was an opportunity for us to serve the voters of the Commonwealth. We were grateful to have the resources on Sunday to execute it well. We look forward to hosting virtual debates throughout this election season and to have them in person when we are able to so safely." Answering questions on everything from racial justice and policing to former Vice President Joe Biden’s options for running mates, the four candidates mostly focused on distinguishing their platforms and relevant personal experiences, rather than directly sparring with each other. Former Rappahannock County supervisor John Lesinski highlighted his track record of election in a rural district and his ability to “reach across the aisle,” as well as his 35 years of business experience. R.D. Huffstetler, who was raised in a rural family and attended Harvard’s Kennedy School with help from the G.I. Bill, emphasized his intimate knowledge of the district and his experience “living the American dream” as a first-generation college student. Ex-Marine Claire Russo characterized herself as “a leader and a fighter,” calling attention to her experience in the military and her advocacy for women as a sexual assault survivor. Cameron Webb, a lawyer, educator, and physician at the University of Virginia, focused on his ability to connect with people of all backgrounds and attend to a hurting nation: “I’m a healer by vocation, by inclination, and by calling,” he said. All four candidates professed their commitment to taking on the racial inequities that the murder of George Floyd has illuminated for many people in our country. Lesinski noted the need for white people to reflect more deeply on race. “The level of racism within us—we have to acknowledge that, because only when we shine a light on it can we really begin to address it,” he said. Russo and Huffstetler stressed the systemic nature of racism and its influence on policy. “It’s about the right to have your voice heard, the right to protest, the right to equitable health, the right to water that essentially isn’t being poisoned, the right to be safe in your classroom,” Russo said. Huffstetler noted the need for reforms in many areas, including policing. “If we can train service members overseas, who are protecting us in the gravest of circumstances,” said Huffstetler, “we can certainly make sure that that knowledge and intuition is used stateside so that African Americans can be safe on the street in our country.” Drawing on his experience working at the White House, Webb also focused on potential policy changes, outlining two primary recommendations for addressing police brutality: implementing the Obama administration’s “21st-century” policing approach throughout the country and changing the U.S. Criminal Code to hold officers accountable. Since policing falls under the purview of individual states, Webb said that Congress needs to be asking a key question: “How do we help mold what local law enforcement looks like?” The atmosphere of the debate was collegial and civil; participants frequently expressed respect for their fellow candidates and generally refrained from criticizing each other’s platforms. The main exception was Lesinski, who objected to Russo’s assertion that she would tackle the country’s most fraught issues “head on” and “not shy away from having tough talks about guns.” “With all due respect to one of my candidates here,” Lesinski said, “we’re not going to be able to get the folks we need from the fifth district by hitting the gun issues straight on. It’s an attack on rural heritage to do that.” Andrew S. Pennock Andy Pennock is an associate professor of public policy at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. He serves UVA as the faculty director of Batten’s MPP orientation program, on Batten’s curriculum committee, and as an elected member of the Executive Council of the Faculty Senate. Pennock’s academic research examines public policy in the global economy as well as the scholarship of teaching and learning Read full bio Gabrielle Adams Gabrielle Adams is an associate professor of public policy and business administration at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and in the Darden School of Business’s Leadership and Organizational Behavior area. Adams studies the processes and dynamics that give rise to ‘good’ decisions, policies and conditions in organizations. Read full bio Peter Johannessen Peter Johannessen is an assistant professor of public policy at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. Johannessen’s research explores how popular participation shapes the local policy-making process, including projects that focus on local electoral responsiveness and the design of participatory governance institutions in Brazil. Read full bio Related Content Andrew S. Pennock Teaching Policy Analysis Through Animated Films: A Mickey Mouse Assignment? Research Pennock Shares Insight on Leadership with Georgia Mayors News Professor Andy Pennock was invited to be a plenary speaker at the inaugural Georgia Mayors Leadership Academy where he provided an immersive learning experience about how to cultivate relationships, respond effectively during crises, advance community engagement and more. UVA | Batten Faculty Excellence Award Winners News Each year, Batten’s Executive Committee selects the Batten Faculty Awards Winners in four areas of review -- research, teaching, service and engagement -- in recognition for the faculty members’ contributions throughout the previous year. We congratulate this year's winners: Ashley Jardina, Andy Pennock, Dan Player and Daphna Bassok. Gabrielle Adams The “Equal-Opportunity Jerk” Defense: Rudeness Can Obfuscate Gender Bias Research In this research, we identified a barrier that makes sexism hard to recognize: rudeness toward men. We found that observers judge a sexist perpetrator as less sexist if he is rude toward men. Anger Damns the Innocent Research False accusations permeate social life—from the mundane blaming of other people to more serious accusations of infidelity and workplace wrongdoing. Importantly, false accusations can have grave consequences, including broken relationships, job loss, and reputational damage. In this article, we document an equally pernicious phenomenon—the misuse of anger as a cue to predict whether a suspect has been falsely accused. Finding a Seat at the Interdisciplinary Research Table News UVA Batten hosted the “Annual Behavioral Science Across Grounds Conference” earlier this month, bringing some of the brightest minds of UVA’s research community to Garrett Hall to exchange ideas, interests, and insights. Associate professor Ben Converse gave the keynote. Meeting Overload Is a Fixable Problem News Batten School professor Gabe Adams spoke with American Talk about the benefits of adopting a subtraction mindset and how to get it done. Peter Johannessen Batten Professor Peter Johannessen wins UVA All-University Teaching Award News Teaching awards presented annually at the University of Virginia honor dedicated, passionate faculty members who contribute to an environment of excellence, rigor and academic growth for students. Batten Faculty Recognized for Excellence in Teaching, Service, Research and Engagement News This academic year, Batten School professors won a slew of internal and external recognitions for excellence in teaching, service, research and engagement. Stay Up To Date with the Latest Batten News and Events Subscribe
Andrew S. Pennock Andy Pennock is an associate professor of public policy at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. He serves UVA as the faculty director of Batten’s MPP orientation program, on Batten’s curriculum committee, and as an elected member of the Executive Council of the Faculty Senate. Pennock’s academic research examines public policy in the global economy as well as the scholarship of teaching and learning Read full bio
Gabrielle Adams Gabrielle Adams is an associate professor of public policy and business administration at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and in the Darden School of Business’s Leadership and Organizational Behavior area. Adams studies the processes and dynamics that give rise to ‘good’ decisions, policies and conditions in organizations. Read full bio
Peter Johannessen Peter Johannessen is an assistant professor of public policy at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. Johannessen’s research explores how popular participation shapes the local policy-making process, including projects that focus on local electoral responsiveness and the design of participatory governance institutions in Brazil. Read full bio
Pennock Shares Insight on Leadership with Georgia Mayors News Professor Andy Pennock was invited to be a plenary speaker at the inaugural Georgia Mayors Leadership Academy where he provided an immersive learning experience about how to cultivate relationships, respond effectively during crises, advance community engagement and more.
UVA | Batten Faculty Excellence Award Winners News Each year, Batten’s Executive Committee selects the Batten Faculty Awards Winners in four areas of review -- research, teaching, service and engagement -- in recognition for the faculty members’ contributions throughout the previous year. We congratulate this year's winners: Ashley Jardina, Andy Pennock, Dan Player and Daphna Bassok.
The “Equal-Opportunity Jerk” Defense: Rudeness Can Obfuscate Gender Bias Research In this research, we identified a barrier that makes sexism hard to recognize: rudeness toward men. We found that observers judge a sexist perpetrator as less sexist if he is rude toward men.
Anger Damns the Innocent Research False accusations permeate social life—from the mundane blaming of other people to more serious accusations of infidelity and workplace wrongdoing. Importantly, false accusations can have grave consequences, including broken relationships, job loss, and reputational damage. In this article, we document an equally pernicious phenomenon—the misuse of anger as a cue to predict whether a suspect has been falsely accused.
Finding a Seat at the Interdisciplinary Research Table News UVA Batten hosted the “Annual Behavioral Science Across Grounds Conference” earlier this month, bringing some of the brightest minds of UVA’s research community to Garrett Hall to exchange ideas, interests, and insights. Associate professor Ben Converse gave the keynote.
Meeting Overload Is a Fixable Problem News Batten School professor Gabe Adams spoke with American Talk about the benefits of adopting a subtraction mindset and how to get it done.
Batten Professor Peter Johannessen wins UVA All-University Teaching Award News Teaching awards presented annually at the University of Virginia honor dedicated, passionate faculty members who contribute to an environment of excellence, rigor and academic growth for students.
Batten Faculty Recognized for Excellence in Teaching, Service, Research and Engagement News This academic year, Batten School professors won a slew of internal and external recognitions for excellence in teaching, service, research and engagement.