Navigating the Path from Data to Policy

We know that policy should be based on data, but how do we go about transforming data into policy? What does the path from data to policy look like? And what does it mean for policy to be driven by data? 

"Navigating the Path from Data to Policy" will help participants gain fluency in the fundamentals of policy research: understanding causality, combating biases in data collection and analysis, accounting for different interpretations of data, and—most importantly—how data can become policy (and why some policies are based on bad data or no data at all). The program, led by Batten professor Daniel W. Player, will cover topics such as the opportunities for and limitations of identifying causal relationships in policy research, bias and ethics in data collection, and an overview of the most popular methods for statistical analysis in research today. Throughout the program, participants will explore some of the key studies over the last decade that have had a meaningful effect on U.S. policy.

"Navigating the Path from Data to Policy" was developed in collaboration between BattenX, the Batten School's executive education and lifelong learning initiative, and UVA School of Data Science. This program does not require any prerequisite data science skills or experience.

Program Fee
Regular Price: $399
UVA alumni, faculty, staff or group of 3+: $349

Mode of Instruction