Minor in Social Entrepreneurship Curriculum Requirements Minor in Social Entrepreneurship Curriculum Requirements Curriculum Requirements Elective Options Program: Minor. Impact: Major. Social Entrepreneurship is one of three concentrations within the Entrepreneurship Minor at UVA, which is administratively hosted within the McIntire School of Commerce. The minor program consists of 15 credits total. Students must complete ENTP 1010: Startup to gain access to the Entrepreneurship Minor application and express a preference for the social entrepreneurship concentration in their application. Upon acceptance to the Minor in Social Entrepreneurship, students complete a core and capstone course through the Batten School in addition to two electives of choice offered by schools across the university. The Batten School’s experiential social entrepreneurship curriculum focuses on impact investing, entrepreneurial approaches to global development and equity-based leadership. Options for J-Term and study abroad are available. Courses that count as electives toward the minor are available across the university, and students in the minor program gain access to popular courses in other schools of enrollment. A comprehensive list of all classes offered for minor credit is available on the the McIntire School website. Prerequisites Students must complete ENTP 1010: Startup (3 credits which are counted toward the required 15 credits) to gain access to the Entrepreneurship Minor application. Minor Requirements (15 credits) LPPP 3050: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (3 credits) Two electives (6 credits) of choice. Students are able to choose from more than 45 electives offered across the university. A comprehensive list of all classes offered for minor credit is available on the McIntire School website. LPPS 4735: Experiential Social Entrepreneurship Capstone * The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements.