July 19, 2021 Favorite Batten Memory, Part 2 Admissions Blog Tags MPP Student Life Batten Ambassadors BA Accelerated MPP With a little less than a month left until we welcome some of our newest students to Grounds for Batten orientation, it has our office thinking back to the happy times we spent together as a Batten community. You can hear from some of our current students and recent alums on their favorite Batten memory! “My favorite Batten memory was the attempted Cardboard Regatta at my first-year orientation. We were supposed to make cardboard boats in groups at a resort and try to paddle them across the pond, but it started pouring, so we all just ended up going swimming in the rain. It's where I made some of my best friends in the cohort!” Allie, MPP Class of 2021 “My favorite Batten memory would have to be the planning the last Batten Chili Cook-off (pre-pandemic). I was a third year/1st year BA at the time and was able to work on a committee to facilitate the event! I was given the opportunity to design and create the grand prizes of the cook-off, as well as paint Beta Bridge for the first time! Overall, it was a fun time being in a room full of people and getting to taste so many great-tasting chili!” Jackie, BA Class of 2021 “Presenting at the Pentagon with my H4D [Hacking for Defense] group is one of my favorite Batten memories. After our presentation, Professor Carson gave our class a personalized tour of the Pentagon, and I had an epiphany moment where I realized that I MUST be a part of the Batten community. It really sunk in that the Batten School provides incredible opportunities for future policy advocates which no other program at UVA can compare to.” Paulina, Accelerated MPP Class of 2022 “My favorite Batten memory is finishing our Comparative Policy reports in Fall of 2020 because my group had worked so hard, and it felt amazing to accomplish such an extensive report.” Cece, BA Class of 2021 “Any little moment when we were all working on some Econ/RMDA/writing assignment at Grit, Garrett, or wherever.” Geoff, MPP Class of 2021 “Having the opportunity to connect with my classmates I worked with the rest of the semester during the one week of in-person orientation before classes went online last fall. We also had the chance to connect with the Dean, Associate Dean, and other staff members. I got to meet my advisor Amanda in person and took selfies with Batten the dog, our unofficial school mascot. It was just a fabulous and welcoming start to Batten!” Sarah, MPP Class of 2022