August 17, 2021 Meet the BA Class of 2023 Admissions Blog Tags Application Admissions BA This year, we are excited to welcome 93 new students into the undergraduate major program. With an ever-increasing need for ethical policy leaders, this year’s application cycle was proof of the growing interest in our school, mission, and program. Our aim is to bring in a diverse group of students who will go out and make a difference in their respective communities, and this year’s cohort reflects that in their diversity of backgrounds, interests, and experiences. We received 174 applications for the 93 seats, resulting in about a 53% admittance rate. This year, we brought in students from across the country, including Indiana, South Carolina, and Connecticut, as well as students with dual or primary citizenship to nine countries. First generation students make up 12% of our class. Minority students comprise over a third of the class, and women comprise about two-thirds of the program. Additionally, we admitted students with GPAs that ranged from 3.02 to 3.98. Most students (middle 50%) had a GPA that fell within the 3.6-3.9 range. On average, GPAs were higher in the application pool this cycle, likely due to CR/NC grading schemes implemented due to the pandemic. Students are engaged in a variety of CIOs and organizations (including Undergraduate Black Law Student Association, Rise Together, Student Council, Meriwether Lewis Institute, Virginia Review of Politics, First Year Players, and the Brody Jewish Center), as well as undergraduate research, and many hold part-time positions across Grounds, including the Office of Housing and Residence Life, Office of Sustainability, and Office of Health Promotion. Many intend to pursue a major or minor outside of Batten, including in economics, global studies, sociology, and computer science in the College and Youth and Social Innovation in the School of Education and Human Development. Together, our differences make us stronger. Together, we are Batten. We look forward to bringing in the next group of committed policy leaders in the months to come!