Past Research Speakers

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Gerald Higginbotham

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Postdoctoral Research Associate, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
U.S. Histories of Racism: A Critical Social Context and Motivated Mental Representation
Sep 23, 2022 12:00 PM

Gerald Higginbotham researches the role of culture and identity in education and politics, seeking to provide insight into (a) how history functions as important context that shapes how individuals see themselves and others and (b) how perceptions of history and its consequences are shaped by an individual’s attitudes and group memberships. 

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Jieun Pai

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
Striving for the Status Quo: Stasis-Striving, Supplication, and Psychological Distress in Competitive Context
Sep 16, 2022 12:00 PM

Jieun Pai is a postdoctoral researcher at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia. Pai researches social hierarchy and conflict resolution to provide insight into how people can satisfy their need for status in teams and organizations harmoniously. Her work challenges the assumption that status conflict is a battle over rank with winners and losers.

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Lyangela Gutierrez

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Postdoctoral Research Associate, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
When Allyship Becomes Invasive: Perceptions of Dominant Group Members’ Participation in Minority Spaces
Sep 09, 2022 12:00 PM

Lyangela Gutierrez researches factors that impact racial and gender equity in organizations, such as through investigating the unintended consequences of efforts meant to address racial/gender inequity.

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Kyle Dobson

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin
A Transparency Statement Transforms Community-Police Interactions
Aug 26, 2022, 12:00 PM

Kyle Dobson studies how we form authentic connections at work.  Dobson's research examines how organizations often devalue employees’ authenticity to ensure conformity and reduce conflict at the cost of inclusion, engagement, commitment, and performance—in settings from police departments to schools.

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Matthew Notowidigdo

Professor of Economics, Chicago Booth
Consumer-Financed Fiscal Stimulus: Evidence from Digital Coupons in China
May 06, 2022

Matthew J. Notowidigdo studies a broad set of topics in labor economics and health economics. In labor economics, his research has focused on understanding the causes and consequences of long-term unemployment and the economic effects of unemployment insurance over the business cycle. Notowidigdo’s research in health economics focuses on the effects of public health insurance on labor supply and the effects of income on health spending. He is currently working with several state governments on large-scale randomized experiments of existing social insurance programs.

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Ivy Onyeador

Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management
Bias Intolerance: Predicting Condemnation of Apologetic Perpetrators of Prejudice
Apr 29, 2022 12:00PM

Ivuoma Onyeador is an Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations. Her research examines how dominant and non-dominant group members reason about group-based discrimination and disparities. Through her research program, she aims to increase people’s understanding of and willingness to address inequality.

Professor Onyeador’s research has been published in leading journals such as Psychological Science and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Her work has also been featured in popular press outlets, including The New York Times and The Atlantic.

Professor Onyeador earned her B.S. in Psychology, with distinction, from Yale University, her Ph.D. in Social Psychology at UCLA, and was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Science Foundation.

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Claire I. Tsai

Associate Professor of Marketing, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
How Consumers Use Found Time
Apr 22, 2022 12:00PM

Claire Tsai is an Associate Professor of Marketing and a co-founder of the Behavioral Economics in Action Research Cluster at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. She has worked in financial services in New York, Taipei and Hong Kong. She adopts a behavioural economics approach in studying decision making in areas of financial decisions, food consumption and well-being. She studies overconfidence and how this bias systematically influences judgments and decision making. She also studies the science and economics of happiness, which she terms Hedonomics. Her work appears in leading marketing and psychology journals, including Journal of Consumer Research and Psychological Science. Her work often receives featured coverage in popular media outlets including the Wall Street Journal (Week in Ideas),, Globe and Mail, CBC News, and Harvard Business Review. Speaking engagements include the Latin American Financial Education Congress and Ontario Securities Commission.

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Allison P. Harris

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Yale University
Can Racial Diversity Among Judges Affect Sentencing Outcomes?
APR 08, 2022 12:00PM

Allison P. Harris is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yale University and a Research Fellow at the Institution of Social and Policy Studies. She conducts research in American politics with a specialization in law and courts. Prof. Harris’ current research agenda investigates the ways in which institutional change affects disparities in institutional outcomes, specifically within the criminal legal system. Prior to joining the faculty at Yale, Prof. Harris was an Assistant Professor at the Pennsylvania State University (2017-2019) and a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University (2016-2017).

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Ellen R. Meara

Professor of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice, Dartmouth
Socioeconomic Status and the Experience of Pain: An Example from Knees
APR 1, 2022 12:00PM

Ellen Meara is a health economist known for her work modeling the effects of public policies and regulations on health care utilization, overall health, and economic outcomes. Her research often focuses on the impact of public policies and regulations on publicly insured populations in Medicare and Medicaid. Meara looks closely at the economic impact of changes to insurance coverage, payment strategies, and the implementation of care delivery innovations. Much of this work focuses on disabled populations, including people with mental illness and substance disorders. She has extensive experience tracking trends in medical spending over time and for different populations.

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Jonathan Skinner

James O. Freedman Presidential Professor in Economics, Emeritus, Dartmouth
Hospital Productivity and the Misallocation of Healthcare Inputs
MAR 25, 2022 12:00PM

Jonathan Skinner is a Research Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College, and a Professor at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice at Geisel School of Medicine, also at Dartmouth. His research interests include measuring productivity and efficiency in health care, and the savings behavior of retirees.  He is also the Aging Program Director at the National Bureau of Economic Research.