Past Research Speakers

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Valerie Jones Taylor

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Lehigh University
From a “Threat in the Air” to a “Threat on the Ground”: The Consequences of Social Identity Threat in Classrooms, Workplaces, and Work Pairs
Sep 27, 2019

Jones Taylor’s research centers on exploring two sides of an issue that educators and policy makers have struggled to untangle—why and when “diversity” (and with it, greater intergroup and interracial contact) might hurt or help individuals and institutions. 

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Ariel White

Assistant Professor of Political Science, MIT
More Money, More Turnout? Minimum Wage Increases and Voting.
Sep 20, 2019

Ariel White studies voting and voting rights, race, the criminal justice system, and bureaucratic behavior. Her work uses large datasets to measure individual-level experiences, and to shed light on people’s everyday interactions with government.

Faculty Research Speaker Series

Marcos Rangel

Brazil's Missing Infants: Zika Risk Changes Reproductive Behavior
Sep 13, 2019

Marcos A. Rangel is an applied microeconomist. His research focuses on the patterns of accumulation of human capital with particular attention to the intra-family decision process (parents and children), to the impact of policies to foment education and health, and to racial differentials. His research has contributed to a better understanding of how the negotiations between mother and fathers, and also how families insert themselves into societies, influence the allocation of resources towards investment in human capital of children.

Faculty Research Speaker Series

John Holbein

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Princeton University
Making Young Citizens: Rethinking Schools’ Role in Students' Civic Development
Feb 17, 2017

John Holbein is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University. His subfields are political behavior, public policy, and methods for causal inference. He studies voter turnout, democratic accountability, representation, and education policy.