Research Economics Education (-) Environmental Policy Facet Area of Focus - Research Jay Shimshack William Shobe Molly Lipscomb (-) Charles Holt Facet People - Research Facet UVA Partner - Research Published Research Environmental Policy Elements of emission market design: An experimental analysis of California's market for greenhouse gas allowances Authors: Charles Holt, William Shobe, Thaddeus Huetteman We use a set of economic experiments to test the effects of some novel features of California’s new controls on greenhouse gas emissions. The California cap and trade scheme imposes limits on allowance ownership, uses a tiered price containment reserve sale, and settles allowance auctions based on the lowest accepted bid. Learn more
Published Research Environmental Policy Elements of emission market design: An experimental analysis of California's market for greenhouse gas allowances Authors: Charles Holt, William Shobe, Thaddeus Huetteman We use a set of economic experiments to test the effects of some novel features of California’s new controls on greenhouse gas emissions. The California cap and trade scheme imposes limits on allowance ownership, uses a tiered price containment reserve sale, and settles allowance auctions based on the lowest accepted bid. Learn more