October 4, 2023 By: Wyatt Carter One Month In: Life at Batten Admissions Blog Tags New Student Student Life Batten Ambassadors BA I took a gamble and applied to the Batten School because I didn’t think I would feel content studying anything else. Now, one month into classes at Batten, I have never felt more confident in that wager. Every day I feel myself becoming more and more invested in a community that values me and my perspective. Having a space to talk with other civically minded students about the world of policy has really been the most underrated part of the Batten experience. One of the most striking aspects of my time at Batten has been the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of students who share a passion for public policy. It's not just about attending lectures and completing assignments; it's about actively participating in discussions, challenging each other’s perspectives, and collectively striving to make a positive impact. I've found myself in an environment where my voice is not only heard but valued, and this has encouraged me to explore my ideas more deeply. As a third-year in Batten’s BA program, I’m taking three required core classes: LPPL 3210: Behavioral Science for Civic Leadership, LPPA 3640: Research Methods & Data Analysis, and LPPP 3620: Engaging Policy Communities. In Civic Leadership, we study the science and balance behind becoming effective and empathetic leaders. In Research Methods, we learn how to understand and develop data to support policy proposals. And in Engaging Policy Communities, we utilize a humanizing lens to study how policy stakeholders think, work, and make changes in the world. Each course ties into the other seamlessly and oftentimes, when completing an assignment for one class, I end up furthering my understanding of topics from another course. I’m also currently taking one Batten Special Topics course, LPPS 3310: Police Community Relations, in which we seek to better understand the cardinal past, fractioned, present, and indeterminate future of policing in America. Many students interested in applying to the Batten School have asked me about balancing Batten’s coursework and my other commitments on-grounds, but it’s all about time management. While studying as a Batten student I work three part-time jobs, serve on the executive board of SWAP, and host a weekly radio show on 100.1 FM, WXTJ! I’m not saying every Batten student needs to spin their own weekly playlist, but as I get to know more about my peers, I’m learning how deeply involved each student is in the UVA community. Although I’m still early in my Batten journey, I still find myself reflecting on the decision to apply to the Batten School with a sense of gratitude and excitement. The experiences I've had in just one month have reinforced my belief that this is where I'm meant to be. Beyond the thought-provoking courses, there's a unique sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among Batten students that has undoubtedly enriched my overall UVA experience.