Kenneth Redd

senior policy director at the National Association of College and University Business Officers

Kenneth Redd is the senior policy director at the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), a position he has held since 2008. Prior to this, he worked on the Council of Graduate Schools and was the Director of Research and Policy Analysis for the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.


Key Accomplishments

Redd was honored with the Robert P. Huff Golden Quill Award for Contributions to the Literature on Student Financial Aid by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators in 2005. He was also named one of the ten “New Thinkers in Higher Education” by the Chronicle of Higher Education in 2005.


Industries and Areas of Expertise

Higher Education Research, Data Analysis, Federal and State Financial Aid, College Finances, Retention



Redd received his Master’s in Public Affairs from the University of Minnesota and his Bachelor’s in English and Political Science from Tufts.


