Jul 30, 2019 BY MEREDITH COLE Batten's Castleman One of Three UVA Faculty to be Honored by White House for Early Career Accomplishments The U.S. government has honored three University of Virginia faculty members – Ben Castleman, Nitya Kallivayalil and Marilyne Stains – with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor it gives to scientists and engineers at the beginning of their research careers who show great potential for leadership and advancing scientific knowledge in their fields, and who also are making a contribution to science, technology, engineering and math education. All three have accomplished groundbreaking research in their fields and simultaneously worked to help underrepresented students succeed in college, especially in STEM fields. “We are delighted to see three UVA researchers early in their careers honored by the White House,” Melur K. “Ram” Ramasubramanian, UVA’s vice president for research, said. “This honor recognizes the quality and the importance of their work, their potential in developing as outstanding scholars in their careers, as well as its impact of their work on the community.” The winners were honored by the White House at a ceremony on Thursday in Washington, D.C. Benjamin Castleman, assistant professor of education and public policy in the Curry School of Education and Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy Castleman is founder and director of UVA’s Nudge⁴ Solutions Lab, which uses big data to devise effective behavioral strategies that encourage students to apply to and complete college. Castleman’s early career as a high school teacher and administrator reinforced his belief in the power of education and its importance to economic mobility for low-income and first-generation college students. But the path to college is not easy for students with limited access to mentors and information. Using technology to reach these students, as well as targeted counseling and mentorship, has been the key to helping them avoid the pitfalls that can lead them to drop out of school. Castleman applies behavioral economics and data science to his research projects. For one of his projects, “Nudges to the Finish Line,” Castleman and his colleagues are partnering with multiple community colleges in Virginia to increase college completion among students at high risk of withdrawal. Early results suggest these nudges can lead to substantial increases in degree completion. The Department of Education nominated Castleman for a Presidential Early Career Award. “The PECASE award for me is an acknowledgement of the value of highly collaborative research partnerships with public agencies and organizations,” Castleman said. “Without our agencies’ investment and engagement, our research efforts would not be possible.” One of his next projects will focus on identifying students who perform well in high school STEM classes and who want to pursue a STEM field in college, but may encounter challenges following through on this intention. Castleman’s team will provide targeted STEM advising, connecting students to mentors at universities who can provide valuable advice. Read in UVA Today Benjamin Castleman Ben Castleman is an associate professor of public policy and education at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on policies and strategies to improve postsecondary educational and workforce outcomes for individuals from lower-income and historically-marginalized communities. His current work focuses on innovations to increase economic mobility among lower-wage adults, including digital- and health-skills training programs; state-funded career and technical education; and competency-based education models for working adults. Read full bio Related Content Benjamin Castleman Unfinished Business? Academic and Labor Market Profile of Adults With Substantial College Credits But No Degree Research Using data from the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), this case provides the first detailed profile on the academic, employment, and earnings trajectories of the SCND population and how these compare with VCCS graduates. The scholars show that the share of SCND students who are academically ready to re-enroll and would benefit from doing so may be substantially lower than policy makers anticipate. Stacking the Deck for Employment Success: Labor Market Returns to Stackable Credentials Research With rapid technological transformations to the labor market along with COVID-19 related economic disruptions, many working adults return to college to obtain additional training or credentials. Using a comparative individual fixed effects strategy and an administrative panel dataset of enrollment and employment in Virginia, we provide the first causal estimates of credential “stacking” among working adults. Castleman Receives Prestigious Research Award News Congratulations to UVA Batten associate professor Benjamin Castleman who has received the 2024 University Public Impact Focused Research Award for his outstanding scholarship and public service to improve college success and job opportunities for America’s lower-income populations. Peer Mentoring Improves College Success for Lower-Income Students News In a research update brief, Batten Associate Professor Ben Castleman and colleagues show a sustained positive effect of peer mentoring on college persistence for lower-income students. Stay Up To Date with the Latest Batten News and Events Subscribe
Benjamin Castleman Ben Castleman is an associate professor of public policy and education at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on policies and strategies to improve postsecondary educational and workforce outcomes for individuals from lower-income and historically-marginalized communities. His current work focuses on innovations to increase economic mobility among lower-wage adults, including digital- and health-skills training programs; state-funded career and technical education; and competency-based education models for working adults. Read full bio
Unfinished Business? Academic and Labor Market Profile of Adults With Substantial College Credits But No Degree Research Using data from the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), this case provides the first detailed profile on the academic, employment, and earnings trajectories of the SCND population and how these compare with VCCS graduates. The scholars show that the share of SCND students who are academically ready to re-enroll and would benefit from doing so may be substantially lower than policy makers anticipate.
Stacking the Deck for Employment Success: Labor Market Returns to Stackable Credentials Research With rapid technological transformations to the labor market along with COVID-19 related economic disruptions, many working adults return to college to obtain additional training or credentials. Using a comparative individual fixed effects strategy and an administrative panel dataset of enrollment and employment in Virginia, we provide the first causal estimates of credential “stacking” among working adults.
Castleman Receives Prestigious Research Award News Congratulations to UVA Batten associate professor Benjamin Castleman who has received the 2024 University Public Impact Focused Research Award for his outstanding scholarship and public service to improve college success and job opportunities for America’s lower-income populations.
Peer Mentoring Improves College Success for Lower-Income Students News In a research update brief, Batten Associate Professor Ben Castleman and colleagues show a sustained positive effect of peer mentoring on college persistence for lower-income students.