Becoming Batten header image
Becoming Batten header image

Becoming Batten

Students smiling in a group
September 7, 2021

Wondering what Batten is like outside of class? Hear from second-year MPP student Ethan Betterton about the non-academic challenges he faced in his first year, and how the Batten community stepped up to help him.

Meet the MPP Class of 2023
August 30, 2021

Learn more about the Master of Public Policy Class of 2023 and last year's admissions statistics.

Students celebrating at graduation
August 17, 2021

Learn more about the Bachelor of Arts Class of 2023 and last year's admissions statistics.

students studying
August 11, 2021

Learn more about the Minor Class of 2023 and last year's admissions statistics.

Professor lecturing class with text overlay "Updates on Batten's BA Curriculum"
August 5, 2021

In this must-watch video for current first- and second-year UVA students considering Batten’s undergraduate major program, Director of Undergraduate Admissions Anne Carter Mulligan shares some exciting changes for the BA curriculum starting in Fall 2022!

Students in cap and gown with text Admissions Information Session
July 26, 2021

Are you undecided about your academic path? Looking for a program that will help you solve today’s toughest social and policy challenges? Watch a recording of our summer information session for answers to these questions.

Students laughing at graduation, with text "Our Favorite Batten Memories"
July 19, 2021

As we count down the days to the fall semester, we asked some of our students what their favorite Batten memory has been.

Blue ring background with text "My Favorite Undergraduate Batten Class"
July 12, 2021

Considering taking a Batten course before applying? Hear from some of our current students on which classes stand out as their favorites!

Blue ring background with title "My Favorite Graduate Batten Class"
July 6, 2021

Wondering what the MPP curriculum is like? Hear from some of our current students on which classes stand out as their favorites!

Students in graduation attire laughing
June 28, 2021

While this past year and a half has presented a number of challenges for individuals across the US and globe, students at Batten also experienced moments of joy. As we reflect on the end of the spring semester, we asked some of our students what their favorite Batten memory has been.

Students walking up stairs with text overlay that says Utilizing Batten Resources Batten Career Services
June 21, 2021

As a small school, we pride ourselves in the individualized attention we can give to each student. Our Batten community is dedicated to making lasting change in their communities, and with the one-on-one support from our Career Services team, our students have reported some of the highest career placement and first destination rates across the University. Hear from some of our students on their experiences with the Batten Career Center in this next post in the series!

Student working on a laptop
June 14, 2021

The culmination of the program is an Applied Policy Project that challenges students to perform a professional-quality study for a real-world client. We asked our most recent graduates to share more about their Applied Policy Project and the wide range of topics they researched in this latest blog post!