Garrett Hall
Garrett Hall

Applied Policy Project

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, head to the sample page to see some of them. However, if you wish to see something more in line with your topic, please send an email to and we will be happy to look one more appropriate to your request.

There is no required amount of time. The time a client takes in the process varies greatly by the client. It is up to the student and the client to select how many meetings they will have and when to catch up. We do note that successful APPs come from regular meetings with the clients, especially during the process of problem definition.

There is no monetary cost for participating. Some organizations help by sponsoring some students for field work that needs to be done for the project.

We ask that faculty and future students have access to the final report. If your organization has issues with this they can converse with the students on the limitations or constraints. Usually, our students use this document as part of an application process for future jobs.

It may but is not designed to help improve implementation of current strategies. It is designed to inform the client if a particular strategy is dominant over other alternatives.

Projects that involve fundraising will likely not be selected.

You can submit it here.

During the spring semester (when the students develop most of the work) you are welcome to have a number of meetings with the student. However, on our side, each student has assigned a faculty member that will help supervise the project and its progress. Students will have deliverables to be met and evaluated by the faculty throughout the semester. Therefore we have built that part of the supervision in place on our side.

We do 1-1 matching based on problem-per-student. However, if your organization has multiple policy problems to pitch, each particular problem would get assigned one student. Two or more cannot work on the same policy challenge.

After your proposal is submitted, you will be notified if it is approved and it will be sent to the students. Students will browse and select which one they would like to explore, they will contact you, and you can have a conversation with the student to see if it is a good match.

If you have more than one student wanting to work on your project, you are welcome to use any selection process you think is optimal, or if preferred, we can handle the selection process and recommend a student among the ones that have contacted you. In the end, you can follow our recommendation or go with your own choice.

Yes. Our students have gone through the appropriate IRB training to handle sensitive data.

Yes, head to the sample page to see some of them. However, if you wish to see something more in line with your topic, please send an email to and we will be happy to identify one more appropriate to your request.

Submit your proposal using this form.