Research Political Science Democracy Domestic Policy & Politics Facet Area of Focus - Research Craig Volden Facet People - Research EdPolicyWorks: Center for Education Policy and Workforce Competitiveness UVA Humanitarian Collaborative National Security Policy Center (-) Center for Effective Lawmaking Facet UVA Partner - Research Working Paper Domestic Policy & Politics Political Science Legislative Effectiveness, Progressive Ambition, and Electoral Success Authors: Craig Volden Are effective state lawmakers more likely than ineffective state lawmakers to be elected to Congress? Our findings offer important insights into how American federalism contributes to representation by effective lawmakers. Learn more Published Research Democracy Do constituents know (or care) about the lawmaking effectiveness of their representatives? Authors: Craig Volden Substantial evidence exists that members of the US Congress vary in their lawmaking effectiveness. Less known, however, is whether constituents are sufficiently informed and inclined to hold their representatives accountable, based on their effectiveness. Learn more Published Research Political Science The Primary Path for Turning Legislative Effectiveness into Electoral Success Authors: Craig Volden, Sarah Treul, Alan E. Wiseman, Danielle M. Thomsen Effective lawmakers are the workhorses of the US Congress, yet we know little about the electoral payoffs of their efforts. Are effective lawmakers better at warding off challengers in the next election? Do they win at a greater rate? Learn more Published Research Party Calls and Reelection in the US Senate Authors: Ethan Hershberger, William Minozzi, Craig Volden Minozzi and Volden advance the idea that a substantial portion of partisan voting activity in Congress is a simple call to unity that is especially easily embraced by ideological extremists. If correct, Minozzi and Volden’s findings should extend from the House to the Senate, despite differences in institutional structures and in tools at the disposal of party leaders across the two chambers. Learn more
Working Paper Domestic Policy & Politics Political Science Legislative Effectiveness, Progressive Ambition, and Electoral Success Authors: Craig Volden Are effective state lawmakers more likely than ineffective state lawmakers to be elected to Congress? Our findings offer important insights into how American federalism contributes to representation by effective lawmakers. Learn more
Published Research Democracy Do constituents know (or care) about the lawmaking effectiveness of their representatives? Authors: Craig Volden Substantial evidence exists that members of the US Congress vary in their lawmaking effectiveness. Less known, however, is whether constituents are sufficiently informed and inclined to hold their representatives accountable, based on their effectiveness. Learn more
Published Research Political Science The Primary Path for Turning Legislative Effectiveness into Electoral Success Authors: Craig Volden, Sarah Treul, Alan E. Wiseman, Danielle M. Thomsen Effective lawmakers are the workhorses of the US Congress, yet we know little about the electoral payoffs of their efforts. Are effective lawmakers better at warding off challengers in the next election? Do they win at a greater rate? Learn more
Published Research Party Calls and Reelection in the US Senate Authors: Ethan Hershberger, William Minozzi, Craig Volden Minozzi and Volden advance the idea that a substantial portion of partisan voting activity in Congress is a simple call to unity that is especially easily embraced by ideological extremists. If correct, Minozzi and Volden’s findings should extend from the House to the Senate, despite differences in institutional structures and in tools at the disposal of party leaders across the two chambers. Learn more