Student Career Support Student Career Support Employment Outcomes Student Career Support Resumes & Interviewing Jobs, Internships and Graduate School Mentoring & Networking For Employers Employment Outcomes Pursue Your Career With Confidence Your Batten education is unique. Your career should be, too. Batten’s Career Services team helps students and alumni build the foundation they need to succeed in the world of public policy. We can help you evaluate your strengths and determine your path—whether you are interested in full-time employment, an internship, or graduate school. We also work closely with key employers to facilitate partnerships and meaningful networking opportunities. Our career services are targeted to the unique needs of Batten students and include: Strategic career coaching Resume and cover letter reviews Mock interviews Career events and connections with industry professionals and mentors Offer-negotiation assistance Job search tools Connect With the Career Services Team Make an Appointment How Can We Help You? Find resources and assistance to prepare you for professional success. Resumes & Interviewing Jobs, Internships & Graduate School Networking & Mentorships Events We offer industry-focused career events, developmental programs, and more. Batten Events Student Portal The Batten Student Portal is your one-stop shop for career, academic, and student resources. Login Meet the Team Jill Rockwell Senior Assistant Dean of Career Advancement and Alumni Engagement Jill Rockwell, Senior Assistant Dean of Career Advancement and Alumni Engagement at UVA Batten, and her team are focused on the professional success of our graduates and alumni as well as activating our alumni network in support of the school. Sarah Hanks Director of Career Services Sarah Hanks is the Director of Career Services for the Frank Batten School. She has more than 15 years of experience in nonprofit capacity building, change management, and crisis recovery. Handshake Explore professional opportunities with great companies with the Handshake recruiting tool geared specifically to students. Get Started With Handshake UVA Career Center You can also take advantage of the university’s career counseling, exploration workshops, and industry-tailored career communities. Explore UVA Career Services View All
Jill Rockwell Senior Assistant Dean of Career Advancement and Alumni Engagement Jill Rockwell, Senior Assistant Dean of Career Advancement and Alumni Engagement at UVA Batten, and her team are focused on the professional success of our graduates and alumni as well as activating our alumni network in support of the school.
Sarah Hanks Director of Career Services Sarah Hanks is the Director of Career Services for the Frank Batten School. She has more than 15 years of experience in nonprofit capacity building, change management, and crisis recovery.