Research Economics Education Ethics National Security (-) Social Entrepreneurship Facet Area of Focus - Research Christine Mahoney (-) Bala Mulloth Facet People - Research Facet UVA Partner - Research Published Research Social Entrepreneurship New Case - Takeout 25: A Community-Driven Entrepreneurial Initiative in Oak Park, Illinois Authors: Bala Mulloth, Ariel Watt In this case, Batten Assistant Professor Bala Mulloth and MPP student Ariel Watt study the growth, evolution, and innovation of Takeout 25, a socially minded initiative that helped revitalize Oak Park’s restaurant industry and local economy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The brainchild of Ravi Parakkat, an Oak Park citizen and village trustee, Takeout 25’s mission was to orchestrate a movement championing the need for financially viable, community-oriented solutions to keep residents safe while allowing restaurants to prosper. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship New Case - Culinary Concepts AB and the Employment Crisis in Food and Beverage in Charlottesville Authors: Bala Mulloth, Antwon Brinson Antwon Brinson believes in the power of culinary arts to bring about systemic social change. This case study addresses how Antwon’s social venture, Culinary Concepts AB (CCAB), approached the employment crisis felt throughout the food and beverage industry, by teaching life skills through culinary arts. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship New Case - RVA Works: Empowering Entrepreneurs for Big Change Authors: Bala Mulloth, Dale Fickett RVA Works (a shortening of Richmond, Virginia Works) is a public charity, which has demonstrated superior efficacy in educational programming for entrepreneurship. Since 2014, their work has primarily focused on providing pathways to business ownership for ethnic minorities, women, and lower-income people. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Exploring Social Business Pathways: Green Map System as a Case in Point Authors: Bala Mulloth Social entrepreneurship holds promise as a way for organizations to create value for both individuals and communities. The objective of this paper is to observe and analyze the ways Green Map System, a not-for-profit social venture, supports sustainable community development and local leadership by sharing tools, icons, and technology for mapping eco-sites around the world. The role of technology and digital networks, as well as the impact of global linkages, is also observed and emphasized. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Charlottesville Works: Harnessing Social Networks to Promote Employment and Fight Poverty Authors: Bala Mulloth, Stefano Rumi Ridge Schuyler believed that social networks were a unique and innovative way to fight poverty through sustainable employment opportunities. This case study describes how Ridge scaled up Charlottesville Works locally around a formalized social network model that connects unemployed individuals living under the federal poverty line to promising jobs through word-of-mouth, at little cost. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship iThrive Games: Championing Responsible Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Games Authors: Bala Mulloth, Susan E. Rivers This case aims to study the growth, evolution, and social innovation of iThrive Games, a socially minded initiative that aims to create meaningful opportunities using technology for teens to enhance the knowledge, mindsets, and skills they need to thrive through development and across the continuum of mental disorder to wellness. iThrive’s focus has been on creating “meaningful games” that is, games that promote health and well-being of teen players. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship The University of Virginia Pay-for-Success Lab: Jump-Starting University-Based Pay-for-Success Research Labs Authors: Bala Mulloth, Stefano Rumi This case study gives an overview of the creation of the Pay-for-Success (PFS) Lab at the University of Virginia (UVA). It promotes discussion of how other university institutions can scale up their own research labs with a limited budget, and also introduces students to the PFS concept and the role university research institutions can play in the social impact process. Learn more Published Research Economics Social Entrepreneurship Diogenes-FG: Heralding Responsible Innovation in Fiduciary Services for Retirement and Nonprofit Trustees Authors: Bala Mulloth, Robert Patterson, John Whitworth Diogenes pioneered the use of technology to support trustees and boards in their role as fiduciaries of employee retirement funds. Typically, a multinational corporation with operations in 30-40 countries may have hundreds of pension plans, each with their own characteristics. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship The Role of Universities in Encouraging Growth of Technology-Based New Ventures Authors: Bala Mulloth, Bharat Rao In addition to typical university focus activities such as the education of students, dissemination of faculty research findings through publications, and partnerships with corporate firms and outreach, today, new venture creation has also gained substantial interest. In fact, universities worldwide are increasingly viewed as venues for spurring entrepreneurship and economic development. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Using Strategic CSR to Achieve the Hybrid Middle Ground in Social Entrepreneurship: The Case of Telenor Hungary Authors: Bala Mulloth, Peter Hardi To be considered a socially entrepreneurial organization today requires achieving what can be termed a “hybrid middle ground” equilibrium, comprising of economic as well as social sustainability. This middle ground requires some blend of both business and social commitments. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Developing cross-border regional innovation systems with clean technology entrepreneurship: the case of Øresund Authors: Bala Mulloth, Peter Kiryushin, Tatiana Iakovleva Development of regional innovation system (RIS) and its role in regional development is a debated research topic. Most of the theoretical and empirical works are traditionally focused on RIS situated within a national context and applies institutional theory. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship The interlinking of entrepreneurs, grassroots movements, public policy and hubs of innovation: The rise of Cleantech in New York City Authors: Bala Mulloth, Mel Horwitch Although increasingly complex, modern innovation is still largely viewed through the lenses of sectors and distinct venues—e.g. large corporate R&D and new product development, entrepreneurial small or new ventures, or public programs or projects. However, Cleantech innovation is different—more blended, networked and boundary spanning. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship New Case - Takeout 25: A Community-Driven Entrepreneurial Initiative in Oak Park, Illinois Authors: Bala Mulloth, Ariel Watt In this case, Batten Assistant Professor Bala Mulloth and MPP student Ariel Watt study the growth, evolution, and innovation of Takeout 25, a socially minded initiative that helped revitalize Oak Park’s restaurant industry and local economy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The brainchild of Ravi Parakkat, an Oak Park citizen and village trustee, Takeout 25’s mission was to orchestrate a movement championing the need for financially viable, community-oriented solutions to keep residents safe while allowing restaurants to prosper. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship New Case - Culinary Concepts AB and the Employment Crisis in Food and Beverage in Charlottesville Authors: Bala Mulloth, Antwon Brinson Antwon Brinson believes in the power of culinary arts to bring about systemic social change. This case study addresses how Antwon’s social venture, Culinary Concepts AB (CCAB), approached the employment crisis felt throughout the food and beverage industry, by teaching life skills through culinary arts. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship New Case - RVA Works: Empowering Entrepreneurs for Big Change Authors: Bala Mulloth, Dale Fickett RVA Works (a shortening of Richmond, Virginia Works) is a public charity, which has demonstrated superior efficacy in educational programming for entrepreneurship. Since 2014, their work has primarily focused on providing pathways to business ownership for ethnic minorities, women, and lower-income people. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Exploring Social Business Pathways: Green Map System as a Case in Point Authors: Bala Mulloth Social entrepreneurship holds promise as a way for organizations to create value for both individuals and communities. The objective of this paper is to observe and analyze the ways Green Map System, a not-for-profit social venture, supports sustainable community development and local leadership by sharing tools, icons, and technology for mapping eco-sites around the world. The role of technology and digital networks, as well as the impact of global linkages, is also observed and emphasized. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Charlottesville Works: Harnessing Social Networks to Promote Employment and Fight Poverty Authors: Bala Mulloth, Stefano Rumi Ridge Schuyler believed that social networks were a unique and innovative way to fight poverty through sustainable employment opportunities. This case study describes how Ridge scaled up Charlottesville Works locally around a formalized social network model that connects unemployed individuals living under the federal poverty line to promising jobs through word-of-mouth, at little cost. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship iThrive Games: Championing Responsible Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Games Authors: Bala Mulloth, Susan E. Rivers This case aims to study the growth, evolution, and social innovation of iThrive Games, a socially minded initiative that aims to create meaningful opportunities using technology for teens to enhance the knowledge, mindsets, and skills they need to thrive through development and across the continuum of mental disorder to wellness. iThrive’s focus has been on creating “meaningful games” that is, games that promote health and well-being of teen players. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship The University of Virginia Pay-for-Success Lab: Jump-Starting University-Based Pay-for-Success Research Labs Authors: Bala Mulloth, Stefano Rumi This case study gives an overview of the creation of the Pay-for-Success (PFS) Lab at the University of Virginia (UVA). It promotes discussion of how other university institutions can scale up their own research labs with a limited budget, and also introduces students to the PFS concept and the role university research institutions can play in the social impact process. Learn more
Published Research Economics Social Entrepreneurship Diogenes-FG: Heralding Responsible Innovation in Fiduciary Services for Retirement and Nonprofit Trustees Authors: Bala Mulloth, Robert Patterson, John Whitworth Diogenes pioneered the use of technology to support trustees and boards in their role as fiduciaries of employee retirement funds. Typically, a multinational corporation with operations in 30-40 countries may have hundreds of pension plans, each with their own characteristics. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship The Role of Universities in Encouraging Growth of Technology-Based New Ventures Authors: Bala Mulloth, Bharat Rao In addition to typical university focus activities such as the education of students, dissemination of faculty research findings through publications, and partnerships with corporate firms and outreach, today, new venture creation has also gained substantial interest. In fact, universities worldwide are increasingly viewed as venues for spurring entrepreneurship and economic development. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Using Strategic CSR to Achieve the Hybrid Middle Ground in Social Entrepreneurship: The Case of Telenor Hungary Authors: Bala Mulloth, Peter Hardi To be considered a socially entrepreneurial organization today requires achieving what can be termed a “hybrid middle ground” equilibrium, comprising of economic as well as social sustainability. This middle ground requires some blend of both business and social commitments. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Developing cross-border regional innovation systems with clean technology entrepreneurship: the case of Øresund Authors: Bala Mulloth, Peter Kiryushin, Tatiana Iakovleva Development of regional innovation system (RIS) and its role in regional development is a debated research topic. Most of the theoretical and empirical works are traditionally focused on RIS situated within a national context and applies institutional theory. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship The interlinking of entrepreneurs, grassroots movements, public policy and hubs of innovation: The rise of Cleantech in New York City Authors: Bala Mulloth, Mel Horwitch Although increasingly complex, modern innovation is still largely viewed through the lenses of sectors and distinct venues—e.g. large corporate R&D and new product development, entrepreneurial small or new ventures, or public programs or projects. However, Cleantech innovation is different—more blended, networked and boundary spanning. Learn more