What's in a name? The toll e-signatures take on individual honesty Research People cherish and embrace the symbolic value that their unique handwritten signature holds. Technological advances, however, have led organizations to reject traditional handwritten signatures in favor of the efficiency and convenience of e-signatures.
Professor Chou Studies the Psychological Power of the Signature News “We asked, ‘How do people perceive electronic signatures, how do people feel when they sign electronic signatures, and how would that impact their subsequent behaviors?’”
Not so lonely at the top: The relationship between power and loneliness Research Eight studies found a robust negative relationship between the experience of power and the experience of loneliness. Dispositional power and loneliness were negatively correlated (Study 1). Experimental inductions established causality: we manipulated high versus low power through autobiographical essays, assignment to positions, or control over resources, and found that each manipulation showed that high versus low power decreased loneliness (Studies 2a–2c).
Paperless and soulless. E-signatures diminish the signer’s presence and decrease acceptance Research E-signatures are one of the fastest growing global practices because of their convenience. Much less is known, however, about whether people perceive e-signatures to be symbolically equivalent to traditional hand signatures.
Mental models at work: Cognitive causes and consequences of conflict in organizations Research This research investigated the reciprocal relationship between mental models of conflict and various forms of dysfunctional social relations in organizations, including experiences of task and relationship conflicts, interpersonal hostility, workplace ostracism, and abusive supervision.
How Decisions Happen: Focal Points and Blind Spots in Interdependent Decision Making Research Decision makers often simplify decision problems by ignoring readily available information. The current multimethod research investigated which types of information about interdependence situations are psychologically prominent to decision makers and which tend to go unnoticed.
Life or Death Decisions: Framing the Call for Help Research Background: Chronic blood shortages in the U.S. would be alleviated by small increases, in percentage terms, of people donating blood. However, because helping is costly, people do not always provide enough help.
A devil on each shoulder: When deliberation impairs self-control Research This article examines how cognitive capacity influences self-control. Two studies demonstrated a cognitive capacity by visceral state interaction.
Status conferral in intergroup social dilemmas: Behavioral antecedents and consequences of prestige and dominance Research