Posts Tagged with
International and Global Affairs

The World Trade Organization's headquarters in Geneva

The global trade appeals system has stalled. Batten's Philip Potter and the University of Pennsylvania's Julia Gray examine if it ever really worked.

Professor Kirsten Gelsdorf

The three University of Virginia professors named 2020 Outstanding Faculty Award winners push the boundaries of the typical classroom and of their academic disciplines, employing hands-on experiences for students and conducting game-changing scholarship to aid humanity.

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Batten professor Kirsten Gelsdorf, director of global humanitarian policy, spoke with University of Virginia Darden School of Business alumna Carolyn Miles about her work with Save the Children. Their discussion was part of the Darden School's Leadership Unscripted speaker series.


Craig Shirley, a biographer of U.S. President Ronald Reagan and an instructor at the University of Virginia’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, argues that the fall of the Berlin Wall should be recognized as one of the greatest events in the 20th century, and credits Reagan, working with others, with bringing down the Soviet Union.

Interested in working abroad after graduation? Considering teaching abroad? Attend this panel to hear from experts who have taught outside of the U.S. Stay afterward for pizza and networking with panelists and representatives from the Peace Corps and the Office of Citizen Scholar Development. This event is part of Global Week at UVA.

Join us for a discussion with Oliver Ranft, Director of Donor and Speaker Relations at Global Activists Networks. Lunch will be provided.

In 2015, 60 million people were displaced by violent conflict globally - the highest since World War II. National and international policy prevents the displaced from working or moving freely outside the camps set up to ‘temporarily’ house them. 

Noah Myung

Two years ago, the University of Virginia’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy’s Center for Leadership Simulation and Gaming put students through the paces of a global food security simulation. Last year, the center created a global pandemic simulation.

Hanna Davis

Batten student Hanna Davis (BA ’21) is taking the road to Morocco on a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship.

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Ian H. Solomon is dean of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, where he leads a multidisciplinary faculty in creating new knowledge and developing leaders who can solve humanity’s greatest policy challenges. Trained as a lawyer, Solomon is a devoted student and teacher of both negotiation and conflict resolution.