Alumni in Action

Kathryn Babbin
Sep 12, 2019

Alum in Action: Kathryn Babbin

For Kathryn Babbin (MPP ’19), the Batten community cannot be underestimated. Babbin who graduated last May with a master’s of public policy was drawn to the Batten School for a variety of reasons, mainly because it offered what seemed like a tight-knit community of students, faculty, and staff, where she felt she could make a real impact.

Eric Ramputh
Aug 22, 2019

Alum Spotlight: Eric Ramputh

Eric Ramputh (BA ’19) applied to the Batten School on a whim. Ramputh, who transferred to UVA and into the Batten School in 2017, recalls how he discovered the school and why it ultimately was the right fit for him.

Evelyn Immonen
Aug 15, 2019

Alum Spotlight: Evelyn Immonen

Working on issues related to rural poverty may not be as glamorous as other high-profile policy issues, but for Evelyn Immonen (MPP ’18), the margin of good that can be done in just one small town is worth the effort and commitment

Breanna Gray
Jun 03, 2019

Alum Spotlight: Breanna Gray

During my first year at the University of Virginia, I knew that I wanted to apply to the Batten School. At the beginning of my second semester at UVA, I attended a Batten School information session. Shortly after, I called my Mom and said, “I have found the graduate school for me!”

Dec 19, 2018

Alum Spotlight: Vasiliy (Wes) Malychev (MPP '14)

Policy is everywhere. Lead from anywhere. When I first read this slogan, I didn’t think much of it. Catchy, sure, but what does that even mean? At the time, I was a third-year at UVA, and I had yet to walk through the doors of Garrett Hall and meet some of the most inspiring and ambitious people that I know to this day. I applied to Batten for two reasons: One, I was passionate about social causes. Policy seemed like a practical way to make an impact. Two, if I’m being completely honest, I had no idea what I wanted to do after UVA and an extra year seemed like a good way to buy some time.

Baylee Eby
Nov 14, 2018

Alum Spotlight: Baylee Eby

Last April, Baylee Eby (MPP '15) launched Dreamer & Co, a social impact company whose mission is to provide job skills and a steady income to young women in the Horn of Africa.