Posts Tagged with
UVA Humanitarian Collaborative

Childcare during refugee crisis

Providing childcare in humanitarian emergencies is a win-win strategy for women and children. It’s time to make it a reality for more families.

Guatemalan immigration

David Leblang, Director of the Batten School’s Global Policy Center, along with co-authors, assesses the root causes of migration from Guatemala.

As experts on international humanitarian policy and relief efforts, Batten's Kirsten Gelsdorf and co-author Jacob Kurtzer write that while humanitarian corridors could create safe exit routes out of besieged cities – and allow aid to reach people within Ukraine – they are only part of the solution to protecting civilians during war.

As experts on international humanitarian policy and relief efforts, Batten's Kirsten Gelsdorf and co-author Jacob Kurtzer write that while humanitarian corridors could create safe exit routes out of besieged cities – and allow aid to reach people within Ukraine – they are only part of the solution to protecting civilians during war.

The Lessons of War: The United States, Afghanistan & Iraq since 9/11

UVA’s Governing America in a Global Era and the Jefferson Scholars Foundation host a dinner and panel discussion featuring experts including Batten Professor Kirsten Gelsdorf.

Human Flow movie poster

Batten professors Kirsten Gelsdorf and David Leblang lead a screening and discussion of the film "Human Flow" as part of a documentary series addressing the immigrant and refugee experience.

Separated Film

Batten Associate Professor of Practice of Public Policy Lucy Bassett leads a screening and discussion of "Separated: Children at the Border" as part of a documentary series addressing the immigrant and refugee experience.

In an article for The Washington Post, Batten's David Leblang and co-author Margaret Peters explain how migrants help their home countries by building trade ties and by sending back both cash and political knowledge.

In an article for The Washington Post, Batten's David Leblang and co-author Margaret Peters explain how migrants help their home countries by building trade ties and by sending back both cash and political knowledge.

Makayla Palazzo

Batten School experts are weighing in on the international humanitarian response to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that shook Haiti last weekend. Batten professor Kirsten Gelsdorf, who worked in 2010  as the Humanitarian Advisor to President Clinton in his role as the UN Special Envoy for the Haiti Earthquake, spoke to The Christian Science Monitor and alum Makayla Palazzo (MPP ’18) joined "BBC World News" live from Port-au-Prince.

Naseemah Mohamed

Naseemah Mohamed is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the UVA Humanitarian Collaborative at the University of Virginia. Her research is focused on the relationships amongst education, media, race, global politics, and violence in decolonial movements in Southern Africa in the 20th century.