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UVA Humanitarian Collaborative

Vice President Kamala Harris

In advance of Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, Batten professor Lucy Bassett spoke with USA Today about the significance of the trip, and the complexity of the root causes contributing to record numbers of migrants seeking asylum at the southern border.

Humanitarian Aid

Batten's Kirsten Gelsdorf has spent over 20 years working for the United Nations and other organizations in the humanitarian sector. On a recent episode of "With Good Reason," Gelsdorf discussed her experience in disaster zones as well as commonly-held misconceptions about humanitarian aid.

Migrants moving north in Honduras. (Brookings)

Migration from Honduras to the U.S. has been growing for years. New research by Batten's David Leblang, director of the Global Policy Center, and Duke University's Sarah Bermeo suggests the movement is a result of persistent violence coupled with food insecurity linked to climate change. Leblang and Bermeo wrote about their findings in a blog for Brookings. 

Neera Tanden

The Biden administration is heading back to square one as the chances for a Neera Tanden confirmation, the president's initial pick for director of the Office of Management and Budget, seems increasingly unlikely to gain enough Senate votes. Batten’s David Leblang spoke to Newsweek about potential candidates under consideration to take Tanden's place.


As the Biden administration makes several key changes to U.S. immigration policy, including an end to the so-called Muslim ban, halting border wall construction and putting a temporary hold on deportations, experts examine the priorities and what they might imply for the evolution of U.S. immigration and refugee policy.


Which psychosocial interventions are effective and why? How can we create meaningful psychosocial support for displaced populations in humanitarian contexts? Join Batten Professor Kirsten Gelsdorf and Associate Professor Amanda Nguyen present their findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis to the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


In an op-ed for Scientific American, Batten's Lucy Bassett and co-author Hirokazu Yoshikawa outline immediate steps the Biden-Harris administration should take to begin addressing the trauma inflicted upon children through inhumane immigration policies.


In honor of Global Week at UVA, Batten professor and policy expert David Leblang and Anne Richard, who served as assistant secretary of state for population, migration, and refugees under President Obama, discussed the dramatic shift in our country's stance on people seeking asylum in the U.S.


This year, UVA's J-Term offerings feature interdisciplinary courses addressing some of today’s most urgent issues and team-taught by great professors across Grounds, including Batten's David Leblang.


Co-sponsored by UVA's Miller Center and Batten's Global Policy Center, join us as the 2020 Ambassador William C. Battle Symposium on American Diplomacy explores one of the defining issues of our day: immigration.