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George Foresman

George Foresman has over three decades of leadership experience in government and business. While serving as Virginia’s homeland security secretary, Foresman was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as undersecretary at the Department of Homeland Security.

Naseemah Mohamed

Naseemah Mohamed is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the UVA Humanitarian Collaborative at the University of Virginia. Her research is focused on the relationships amongst education, media, race, global politics, and violence in decolonial movements in Southern Africa in the 20th century. 

Brandy Marsh

Brandy Marsh is a Senior Business Services Specialist with the Frank Batten School. She joined Batten in 2020, bringing her administrative experience in various UVA and commercial roles to the team. Brandy specializes in all aspects of Workday financials and grant management. She's the proud parent of five awesome children and a lifelong resident of the Charlottesville area.

Lyangela Gutierrez

Lyangela Gutierrez is a postdoctoral research associate at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. Gutierrez researches diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations by identifying and addressing factors that impact racial and gender equity in organizations.

Ben Hartless

Ben is the IT Manager at the Frank Batten School. Ben was born and raised an hour away in Lexington, Virginia where he worked at Washington and Lee University for thirteen years as a Technology Support Specialist. He also worked seven years at the Washington and Lee School of Law as the Director of Information Technology before beginning his new career at the Frank Batten School in Spring of 2020.

Craig Lindqvist

Craig Lindqvist serves as the Associate Dean for Administration at the Batten School where he oversees the school's business affairs, planning, finances, personnel, technology, facilities, and other non-academic functions.

James Cathro

James is the Director of Finance and Administration at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy.