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- (-) Racial Justice and Equity
- Ian H. Solomon
- Brian N. Williams
- Sophie Trawalter
- Christine Mahoney
- Paul S. Martin
- Jay Shimshack
- Jazmin Brown-Iannuzzi
- John Holbein
- Michele Claibourn
- Allan Stam
- Andrew S. Pennock
- Craig Volden
- Gerald Higginbotham
- Gerard Robinson
- Jennifer Lawless
- Larry Terry
- Lucy Bassett
- Michael D. Williams
- Sebastian Tello Trillo

Advocating for a Better Justice System in America
Gerard Robinson, who joined the Batten School in the fall of 2023 as a professor of practice in public policy and law, has an understanding of America’s penal systems that is historical, encyclopedic, peppered with factual evidence and flavored with his own philosophical musings.
Higginbotham in APA Article: Anti-Black racism linked to lower support for some gun rights
The American Psychological Assocation shares findings from post-doctoral scholar Gerald Higginbotham's research that racial resentment leads some to associate gun rights with white people.

Dean Solomon on NPR: The Charlottesville rally 5 years later
Dean Ian H. Solomon was interviewed by NPR for a report on the rally by white supremacists protesting the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee five years ago. The Dean shared that he, too, considers events in Charlottesville a warning.

To Run or Not to Run? Not Enough Women Consider Political Office in the First Place.
A new report by Batten School Professor Jennifer Lawless highlights the gender gap in political ambition. The research declares that “politics remains a game for men.”

Batten Professor and Students are Helping Communities Rethink the Way They Respond to Mental Health Crises
Batten Professor Brian N. Williams and students from his PEGLLLLab are working with an award-winning documentary team to launch pilot programs in three different cities to address the growing mental health crisis.

Pavilion X Exhibit Highlights Slavery History of Its Former Residents
“This exhibit is but a small token of my gratitude for the opportunity to give voice to the ghosts of yesterday,” wrote Ian Solomon, the pavilion’s current resident.

African Americans Are Less Likely to Receive Responses to Emails, Study Finds
New evidence from a team of researchers, including Batten professor John Holbein, suggests that everyday racial discrimination is far more widespread than previous studies have indicated.

Brown-Iannuzzi, Claibourn, Trawalter: ‘Confederate memorials are associated with hate’ — New UVA study shows ‘significant’ correlation between lynchings and monuments
A UVA research team, including three Batten professors, uncovered a quantifiable relationship between Confederate memorials and the explicitly racist practice of lynching.

New UVA Study Finds Correlation Between Lynchings and Confederate Monuments
A team of Batten and psychology researchers are bringing an empirical perspective to a national conversation.

Teaching Today’s Leaders to Champion Racial Equity
Through a new BattenX educational module, CEOs and nonprofit executives from across the globe are reckoning with systemic racism.

Batten Researcher Brings Police, Students Together to Better Understand Each Other
Police and students can learn from one another if they talk more, according to Batten's Brian N. Williams, an associate professor of public policy.

Batten's New Postdoctoral Researchers to Focus on Diversity, Social Identity
The School's new postdoctoral fellows will investigate perceptions of minorities in academia and the workplace, among other subjects.