
Published Research

Living Legislation: Durability, Change, and the Politics of American Lawmaking

Authors: Eric M. Patashnik, Jeffery A. Jenkins

Politics is at its most dramatic during debates over important pieces of legislation. It is thus no stretch to refer to legislation as a living, breathing force in American politics. And while debates over legislative measures begin before an item is enacted, they also endure long afterward, when the political legacy of a law becomes clear.

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Published Research

The Intergovernmental Grant System

Authors: Raymond C. Scheppach, W. Bartley Hildreth, Robert D. Ebel, John E. Petersen (eds.)

State and local government fiscal systems have increasingly become vulnerable to economic changes. Over the past three decades, state and local deficits during economic recession have been larger and deeper each time.

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Published Research

Nurses’ Presenteeism and Its Effects on Self-Reported Quality of Care and Costs

Authors: Christopher J. Ruhm, Susan A. Letvak, Sat N. Gupta

Although research has been conducted on how nurse staffing levels affect outcomes, there has been little investigation into how the health-related productivity of nurses is related to quality of care. Two major causes of worker presenteeism (reduced on-the-job productivity as a result of health problems) are musculoskeletal pain and mental health issues, particularly depression. 

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Published Research

Verdant Power: A Case of Ethical Leadership

Authors: Bala Mulloth, Mark Griffiths, Jill Kickul

We describe the ethical leadership dilemmas confronting Verdant Power. Formed in 2000, this New York City marine renewable energy company develops projects and technology that delivers electricity directly into the local power grid.

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Published Research

Instrumentality boosts appreciation: Helpers are more appreciated while they are useful

Authors: Benjamin Converse, A. Fishbach

We propose that in social interactions, appreciation depends on the helper’s instrumentality: The more motivated one is to accomplish a goal and the more one perceives a potential helper as able to facilitate that goal, the more appreciation one will feel for that helper. Three experiments support this instrumentality-boost hypothesis by showing that beneficiaries feel more appreciation for their helpers while they are receiving help toward an ongoing task than after that task has been completed or after the helper has been deemed no longer instrumental. 

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Published Research

Interventions Used by Virginia's Colleges to Respond to Student Mental Health Crises

Authors: Richard Bonnie, John Monahan, Susan Davis, Christopher Flynn


This study examined interventions by colleges in 2008–2009 to respond to students during mental health crises.


Public (N=15) and private (N=25) four-year colleges and two-year community colleges (N=23) in Virginia were surveyed about academic policies governing responses to apparent mental health crises among students and how often they were invoked.

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