
Published Research

Teacher Turnover, Teacher Quality, and Student Achievement in DCPS

Authors: James H. Wyckoff, Melinda Adnot, Thomas Dee, Veronica Katz

In practice, teacher turnover appears to have negative effects on school quality as measured by student performance. However, some simulations suggest that turnover can instead have large positive effects under a policy regime in which low-performing teachers can be accurately identified and replaced with more effective teachers. 

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Published Research

Teacher Preparation and Student Achievement

Authors: James H. Wyckoff, Donald Boyd, Pamela Grossman, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb

There are fierce debates over the best way to prepare teachers. Some argue that easing entry into teaching is necessary to attract strong candidates, while others argue that investing in high quality teacher preparation is the most promising approach.

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Published Research

Complex by Design. Investigating Pathways Into Teaching in New York City Schools

Authors: James H. Wyckoff, Donald J. Boyd, Pam Grossman, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, Nicholas M. Michelli

New York City represents a microcosm of the changes that are shaking the very foundations of teacher education in this country. In their efforts to find teachers for hard-to-staff schools by creating multiple pathways into teaching, districts from New York City to Los Angeles are in the midst of what amounts to a national experiment in how best to recruit, prepare, and retain teachers. 

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Published Research

How Changes in Entry Requirements Alter the Teacher Workforce and Affect Student Achievement

Authors: James H. Wyckoff, Donald Boyd, Pamela Grossman, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb

We are in the midst of what amounts to a national experiment in how best to attract, prepare, and retain teachers, particularly for high poverty urban schools. Using data on students and teachers in grades three through eight, this study assesses the effects of pathways into teaching in New York City on the teacher workforce and on student achievement.

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