Research Social Entrepreneurship Economics Education Ethics National Security Facet Area of Focus - Research Christopher J. Ruhm Craig Volden Eileen Chou Benjamin Castleman Sarah Turner Edgar O. Olsen Sophie Trawalter Benjamin Converse Christine Mahoney Timothy Wilson Adam Leive James H. Wyckoff William Shobe Charles Holt Daniel W. Player Daphna Bassok Harry Harding Jay Shimshack Jeanine Braithwaite John Pepper Richard Bonnie David Leblang John Holbein Leora Friedberg Molly Lipscomb James Savage Sebastian Tello Trillo Frederick P. Hitz Gabrielle Adams Gerald Warburg Isaac Mbiti Paul S. Martin Raymond C. Scheppach Ruth Gaare Bernheim Andrew S. Pennock Gerald Higginbotham Jazmin Brown-Iannuzzi Jennifer Lawless Michele Claibourn Noah Myung Philip Potter (-) Bala Mulloth Facet People - Research Facet UVA Partner - Research Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Developing cross-border regional innovation systems with clean technology entrepreneurship: the case of Øresund Authors: Bala Mulloth, Peter Kiryushin, Tatiana Iakovleva Development of regional innovation system (RIS) and its role in regional development is a debated research topic. Most of the theoretical and empirical works are traditionally focused on RIS situated within a national context and applies institutional theory. Learn more Published Research Ethics Verdant Power: A Case of Ethical Leadership Authors: Bala Mulloth, Mark Griffiths, Jill Kickul We describe the ethical leadership dilemmas confronting Verdant Power. Formed in 2000, this New York City marine renewable energy company develops projects and technology that delivers electricity directly into the local power grid. Learn more Published Research Social Entrepreneurship The interlinking of entrepreneurs, grassroots movements, public policy and hubs of innovation: The rise of Cleantech in New York City Authors: Bala Mulloth, Mel Horwitch Although increasingly complex, modern innovation is still largely viewed through the lenses of sectors and distinct venues—e.g. large corporate R&D and new product development, entrepreneurial small or new ventures, or public programs or projects. However, Cleantech innovation is different—more blended, networked and boundary spanning. Learn more Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship Developing cross-border regional innovation systems with clean technology entrepreneurship: the case of Øresund Authors: Bala Mulloth, Peter Kiryushin, Tatiana Iakovleva Development of regional innovation system (RIS) and its role in regional development is a debated research topic. Most of the theoretical and empirical works are traditionally focused on RIS situated within a national context and applies institutional theory. Learn more
Published Research Ethics Verdant Power: A Case of Ethical Leadership Authors: Bala Mulloth, Mark Griffiths, Jill Kickul We describe the ethical leadership dilemmas confronting Verdant Power. Formed in 2000, this New York City marine renewable energy company develops projects and technology that delivers electricity directly into the local power grid. Learn more
Published Research Social Entrepreneurship The interlinking of entrepreneurs, grassroots movements, public policy and hubs of innovation: The rise of Cleantech in New York City Authors: Bala Mulloth, Mel Horwitch Although increasingly complex, modern innovation is still largely viewed through the lenses of sectors and distinct venues—e.g. large corporate R&D and new product development, entrepreneurial small or new ventures, or public programs or projects. However, Cleantech innovation is different—more blended, networked and boundary spanning. Learn more